When given the option, who would you pick?
Tsuki had no idea what she was getting into when she accepted the live-in maid job at the town home in downtown Seoul. But when the boys of Monsta X start asking for more than just cooking and cleaning, ho...
Changkyun was nothing like Hoseok. He didn't go tell all the boys about what had happened between us. He honestly never even brought it up. Unless, we were alone. Every so often he would sneak upstairs while I was cooking and the rest of the boys were in practice and surprise me with kisses. Sometimes gentle, but sometimes heated and passionate, but never when someone else was around. He kept our relationship quiet, so I made sure the secret was safe between the two of us. A big part of me wanted to tell Jooheon, but I could never find the right words. I also didn't want to come out and tell everyone what we had, I wasn't ready to pick, not yet. Besides, we never talked about it. What we did was spontaneous and unplanned, I wouldn't have considered us anything more than friends with benefits. But still when he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as I cooked dinner, I couldn't help but fall for his boyish charms. I would rest my head on his chest, and giggle when he went down to kiss my neck or nibble my ears. Sometimes I would feel his member growing, pressed against my ass. It was when that would happen that he would be more passionate, more forceful with his kisses and caresses. But I never let it go further than that, I knew that if we shared another moment like before it would either make or break a relationship. The first time was spontaneous and amazing, we could move past it telling ourselves it was a need in the moment. But when he kissed me like that, I thought about making it permanent. But my mind always went back to Jooheon, or the others. I couldn't bring myself to leaving them all as only friends. I couldn't pick him yet.
It had been two weeks since the bathroom. The bruises on my hips just barely visible. They didn't hurt, even the next morning, but they gave me butterflies every time I saw them. It was a break day today and we had planned on going out to breakfast, everyone agreed that if they got a break day than I would as well. When I woke up it was before the rest of them. I took a quick shower, letting the warm water wake me up and energize me. After my shower I got ready. It was the first day in quite a while that I decided to put on makeup and make myself pretty. I knew that if I was going to be out in the open with Monsta X, there was going to be photographers. It was late October and the weather had been getting colder, preparing Seoul for the Winter to come. I wore an off the shoulder maroon colored sweater and black leggings, with a pair of high-top black converse. I twirled in the mirror, dancing to my music, making sure I looked good enough to leave. As always my makeup was light, natural looking colors with the only thing really standing out was a lipstick that was a bit darker than my normal lip color. I finger-hearted into the mirror, before making my way upstairs.
I gently knocked on Jooheon and Changkyun's door. When there was no reply I figured they were still sleeping and creaked the door open. Both of them were shirtless, snuggled up in their blankets. Plushies on their beds given to them by fans. They were so innocent and precious when they slept. Double checking to make sure Jooheon was sound asleep I tip-toed to Changkyun. "Kookang, precious." I whispered, kissing his forehead. He slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw that it was me he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in. At first I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he turned me around and spooned me, snuggling in. It felt warm and comfortable, but within seconds I felt him growing behind me. He was moving his hips slightly, nuzzling my hair.
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