Chapter 27: Scribbles

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My hair wisps around my face as I close my eyes in thought. I open them to observe the mild countryside around me. It's been a week since Ultron attacked. Clint immediately arranged for a quinjet to take me to the safety of his farm after Ultron first appeared where he and the others joined us later on. After the Avengers left, Ultron had attacked the city of Sokovia, which I watched on the news channels on tv. Today is my last day here before going back to New York.

"You okay?" Laura asks me, standing in the doorway leading into the house. Her shoes echo through the floorboards behind me as she approaches me and sits beside me on the porch steps. I lean my elbows on my knees and sigh tentatively.

"I'm alright." I say, sickness plaguing my throat. The rising sun eclipses the autumn leaves on the trees, letting flickers of light into my eyes.

"When did you last eat?" She asks, concerned.

"Last night." I look down at the blades of cool grass blowing in the light breeze, "I had some Nutella."

"With what?"

"... Nutella."

"You ate it out the jar? Again?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes, but this is the last time." I lie through my teeth, knowing that tomorrow will be a different story.

She sighs, "Alright, I'm about to make the kids breakfast, make sure you come in soon to help yourself to something."

"I will."

I sit there for- I don't know how long. My hand runs over my bloated stomach. Only 5 months to go. 5 months to find Bucky and bring him back.

I hear my phone ring from my pocket- Peter. I swipe the green answer button on the screen.

"Hey, Miss Pierce." I hear his young voice through the phone.

"It's Josephine, Peter."

"Sorry, Josephine." He apologises, "Cap's got a lead on Crossbones."

"Where?" I ask immediately.

"He didn't say where." He says, "They'll be leaving after you get back."

"Okay." I say.

"We've got a jet set to arrive by tonight, try to be ready by 8pm, okay?"

"I'll be ready."

We say goodbye and I stand up, hanging up. Floorboards creak under my feet as I walk into the hall. I am greeted by the yelling of an eight year old girl. Lila skips towards me, sheet of paper in hand. She holds it up, shining eyes peer up at me over the white sheet. On it, crayon lines make seven stick figures with colourful messy writing above them, standing on a bright green curve of a hill. A red stick figure stands with the name "Josie" floating above her head, next to it is two smaller stickmen, one pink and one green with the names "Cooper" and "Lila" written in thick blue crayon. Next to them is a purple stickman holding hands with an orange one. The words "mummy" and "daddy" are scribbled at their feet. Next to 'Me' is a pink tiny stickman, it's arm reaching up to hold mine. Above their head is the word "baby" in small blue letters, I decided to leave the gender of the baby a surprise for everyone so I guess she hopes they are a girl. Holding their other hand is a stickman made of bold navy blue lines with "Buckie" written above him.

Tears well up in my eyes slightly at the cute scribbles she made me. She hands it to me and I take it in one hand, opening my arms for a hug. She wraps her short arms around my neck and clings to me. I pull away, "Aww honey, it's beautiful. Is it okay if I keep this?" I ask. She nods enthusiastically.

"Thank you so much." I give her another hug, my hormones getting the best of me as I rub my eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I pull away from her and ruffle her hair while standing up properly. I walk through to the spare room- my temporary room. I start packing all my stuff again. Once finished I look at the time- 11:30.

I haven't had breakfast yet. I walk through to the kitchen where Cooper is sitting at the table, playing with an action man and a Barbie. I take a pan out of the cupboard and start making an omelette by gating some cheese. I feel Coopers fascinated eyes from behind me as he watches me curiously. I turn around to face him from where I was chopping up a mushroom.

"You wanna help?" I ask to which he grins and nods. He jumps of his chair and I lift him up on the counter next to me. I get a bowl out of the cupboard and hand it to him. I take a few eggs out of a box and demonstrate how to break it, I hand him the next one. He cracks it messily, small bits of tanned shells falling into the egg. I pick them out and let him crack the last egg. His eyes shine with excitement as I produce a whisk from one of the many drawers. I hand it to him and help him mix the eggs together before seasoning it. I guide him in pouring it on the pan. We wait a few moments before I give him the cheese and let him sprinkle it over the egg and did the same with the diced mushrooms. I wait another moment before letting him help me fold it over. I put it on a plate and cut off a portion of the corner before handing Cooper a fork, "Try your masterpiece."

He tried it and kicks his legs, smile wide while chewing.

"You like it?" I ask and he nods frantically in response. I start eating, occasionally cutting sections off for Cooper to eat. Once finished I stand up and ruffle his hair, "Right kiddo, I'll clean up, you go do whatever."

After washing up, I take a look at the clock on the wall- 1pm. I walk through to my room again and sit on the bed. I pull a small picture out of my bag. I stare at the baby growing inside me. Hours pass. I don't move.

Soon, Laura is yelling that dinner is ready, to which I quickly put my ultrasound image back and rush through to help her serve up dinner.

Dinner was delicious but I found myself with not enough on my plate- a problem I had never experienced until now. I am eating for two this time though.

I start helping Laura clean up and by the time we are done it is almost time for me to leave. I get my suitcase and bag and heave them through onto the porch. The quinjet arrives after a few minutes and I turn around to bid goodbye to the Barton family. I hug each one of them and hastily climb in the quinjet. I wave from the door as it closes and takes off. I have a look around, discovering the jet is on autopilot. All I can do or feel like doing is sit in silence, waiting to land. So that's exactly what I do.

Crying to the Sky // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now