Part 8

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The rock war was one of my fav scenes in the movie! 

The guys explained what happened in Beverly bathroom, giving me chills

What if the blood in her bathroom linked with what happened to me and Eddie? What if this town was really cursed?

I got snapped out my thoughts as Richie rode his bike in front of us

'Could you idiots of taken any longer?!' Richie said

'Shut up Richie' Eddie said

'Yeah shut up Richie' Stan repeated

'Oh, I get it, trash the trashmouth! I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor imagining that her sink went all Eddies Mum's vagina on Halloween.' He said

'She didn't imagine it' bill said

I stopped pushing my bike and looked at him, he experienced something too?

'i-I saw something too' he said

I looked over to Eddie briefly and looked back to bill

'you saw blood too?' Stan asked

Bill shook his head 'no, not blood'

My heart started to race, fear clear in both mine and eddies faces

'I saw g-Georgie' he said

My eyes widened

'you saw Georgie?' I asked

He nodded 't seemed so real, I mean i-it seemed like him but t-there was this...'

'Clown' Eddie cut in 'yeah I saw him too...'

We all looked over to Ben who nodded, and so did Stan

'Y/n?' bill asked

I nodded

'Wait can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why im not seeing this shit' Richie said

All of us were too scared to even tell im to shut up

The silence was then filled with loud shouts

We turned out attention over to the car

'Oh shit, that's Belch Huggins car' Eddie said 'we, we should probably get out of here'

'wait... isn't that the home school kids bike?' Bill said, pointing to the bike on the floor

My eyes widened 'Hes in trouble!'

I dropped my bike and started to walk

'Wait! y/n you could get hurt' Eddie said

'Come on we need to help him' Beverly said joining me

'we should?'


Everyone dropped their bikes and we ran over to where the screaming was coming from

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Henry and his friends were huddled around mike

He was lay on the floor, Henry pulled a rock up ready to hit him

I searched the floor and saw a big rock, without thinking I grabbed it

I threw it over to Henry, hitting him straight in the forehead

He fell off mike

'holy shit that was cool' Eddie said

I smiled to him

We all grabbed rocks, ready

Mike crawled through the water over to us

I walked over helping him up

'You okay?'

He nodded

Richie pulled him over to him and lay mike down

'You losers try too hard, she'll do you. All you have to do is ask nicely' Henry said, 'like I did'

He grabbed his crotch, smirking to Beverly.

Ben screamed, raising a rock up in the air, aiming it at Henry

My eye widened as I saw it hitting Henry square in the face

'oh shit' Eddie mumbled

We all grabbed rocks, aiming them at Henry and his friends

'Take that!' Eddie said, throwing the rock as hard as he could, missing by far

'Rock war!' Richie shouted, a rock came flying, hitting him in the face.

Richie fell, groaning in pain

We all carried on throwing the rocks, getting hit in the process

I saw Belch Huggins throw one in my direction, I tried to dodge it, but it was too late

The rock hit me in the face, making me stumble back

I groaned and put my hand to my face, seeing I was bleeding

'Y/n? you okay?' Eddie said, coming over

'I-im fine'

'you dick!' Eddie shouted, throwing a rock at belch, which hit him right in the nose

My eyes widened 'Eddie!'

Just as I thought Belch fought back and threw a rock at Eddie, hitting him in the stomach

He groaned in pain and leant over


I walked over to him and helped him sit down

'Why did you do that?' I asked

'He hurt you' he mumbled

I blushed 'you're too sweet'

He looked up to me and smiled 'Are you okay?'

'Better, yet are you?'

He nodded 'im fine, just can't let my mum know. She will keep me indoors all summer'

I laughed 'as long as you're okay Eds'

I looked over to see Henry was on the floor, his friends slowly backing away

I helped Eddie up and we started to walk away, hoping it was over now

Go blow your dad, you mullet wearing asshole!' I heard Richie shout

I shook my head and laughed


'You shouldn't have done that... he will be after you too now' mike said

'Oh no, Bowers? Hes always after us'

I nodded 'for some reason he hates everyone'

'i-I guess that's one thing we all have in c-common' Bill said

'Yeah home-school, welcome to the loser's club' Richie said

You saved me - Eddie Kaspbrak (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now