Living with the schools jerk 29

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I was woken up by someone gently shaking me. I groaned as I slowly opened my sleepy eyes, looking for the person who ruined my beauty sleep. Luke. I groaned again as he said, "I thought I told you to save it for he bedroom?" He smirked and raised his right eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away, he was too close to my face and if I wasn't focused, I could accidently stare. "I AM in the bedroom, stupid!" He chuckled before walking through our bathroom and back into his room.

I looked over at the time... 5:48. I sighed as I stood up and stretched. I walked over to my full length mirror and thanked god silently that my hair didn't have to be re-done. I yawned before walking through our bathroom to Luke's room, following after him.

I thought about knocking but shrugged my shoulders and decided to just walk in like I did before. Luke was sprawled out across his double bed, his eyes closed. I thought quick and decided to scare him, and so I yelled, 'BOO!' as I jumped onto his bed right next to him.

He got so scared that he jumped up from where he was laying and attacked me. He grabbed both my arms and slammed me down on my back before jumping on top of me. He then looked at me, realizing that I wasn't some physcopathic. I played the innocent act as I opened my eyes up really big and poured my bottom lip out. "I just wanted to scre my big brother..." I told him in my best kiddy voice. He groaned and then jumped back off me, making me smirk.

"You scared the shit out of me Tarsh!" He put his hand over his heart to emphasize his point. I rolled my eyes, and hen realized that he just called me Tarsh. Hah.

"Sorry, I'm just SO bored!" I groaned, making him laugh. I continued to lay on his bed, not bothering to move. "Me too! There's nothing to do in this house! Well, nothing I. An be bothered doing!" He ushered out, and I realized that what he said sounded sooo wrong!

"Are you SURE nothing in this house is worth doing big bro?" I asked him, giving him one more chance to correct his mistake. But nope, he didn't realize. "Yes, obviously that's what I meant?" He asked me, though I'm sure it wasn't suppose to sound like a question.

I sat up on his bed, and then decided standing is a better effect. And so as I stood up, I sighed, before I said in a dramatic voice, "I guess if I'm not do-able on YOUR," I emphasized the, 'your', "list..." I continued, "Then I'm not do-able on anyone elses, and that means my do-ability must be a 0.0 on the scale. Thanks big bro, means a lot!" I told him in my little fake voice as I sighed. I hung my head, waiting for it. 3... 2... 1... 0.

"No no no, trust me! You're VERY do-able! You're like an eleven on a .10 scale. You're more then do-able! I would do you, I would do you right now, I just meant that there are no ACTIVITIES that are - well that's an activity too, but what I meant was that there isn't anything fun... No, wait! I mea-"

I cut him off, having had enough of his rambling, and besides that, I just couldn't supress my laughter anymore. As I burst out, he stood up on the bed on in front of me, leaving his comfortable seat where he had been looking up at me from when he was, 'explaining.'

He awkwardly wrapped his arms around my waist, giving me a tight, quick squeeze of a hug before pulling away. By now I was holding my stomach from the laughter, it was that bad.

His eyes held regret and worry, but mostly curiosity. "Whh are you laughing?" He asked me accusingly as I feel back down to sit on his bed, and as he followed my actions, I spoke. "Bro, I was just kidding! That was all fake!" I laughed again, clutching my sides.

"Don't call me brother, I'd rather be a friend." He told me, clearly annoyed. Him? A friend? Pft, please! "I suppose... You wouldn't protect me, you'd be the one I'd most likely need protecting of!" I laughed as he scoffed, bug then suddenly I was laying down again on my back with Luke on top of me.

"You were FAKING?" He growled at me, which scared theshit out of me. He had his left hand holding my both hands up above my head, and his right resting a little forcefully just under my boobs, so I wasn't able to move or struggle.

I grinned at him and he pushed his right arm down harder on to my chest, making me groan. "So you like it rough, eh?" He smirked at me before continuing. "I have an idea..." And then suddenly he was leaning down, towards my lips. His eyes met mine and I suddenly felt bare, like he could see me. SEE all of me, see THROUGH me.

I noticedmy own lips were trying to inch towards his, too, but under his arms strong pressure, it was useless, and so I impatiently waited for his lips to meet my own.

They were only centimetres away when suddenly...

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