Living with the schools jerk 32

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------TARSHAS P.O.V!------

Kelly was over the moon once I'd told her about my plan still being in tact, as was Tammy and Ann. They decided they wanted to dress me for gym, and so after we had all sat down and ate lunch together, we left ten minutes before the bell and headed towards the girls bathrooms near the gym.

"What am I suppose to do? I mean... Maybe he won't even give me a second look!" I voiced my worries which I had been asking myself from the very first time I thought this plan up. "Pft! Please, it won't take that much! Just act like Stacey!" Kells laughed as she told me, and then Tammy said, "He won't NEED to look at you twice, because the first time he does he won't look away!" We all laughed at her thought.

"Oh hey, guess what? I'm going movies tonight with Mitch, you know in our year level?" I told them as they literally stripped me. The other girls in the bathroom were looking at us like we're a bunch of lesbian freaks! We'd all laughed at this before, and it was still happening! "Wow! Tarsha's got a date! Woohooo!" Kelly sang and I blushed. "It's not a date!" Is it? I just thought he wanted to go out and get to know each other; like friends.

"Yes it isssss!" Ann laughed as she tossed me a pair of short shorts, like, SHORT SHORTS. I opened my eyes wide as I put them on... If Mitch really meant as a date, and thinks it as a date, then that does make me a real slut! "I don't like him. Not at all. I don't trust him; I think you should back out of it, right now. I think you should go tell him no." Ann told me seriously, and her tone scared the fuck out of me. And I knew it wasn't jealousy or anything like that, Ann has Kyle an their in love, so what could he have done to make he hate him so much? My mind wondered as the girls silently dressed me in a black tank top to match the white shorts.

'BRRRRRRINNNG!' The bell rang on cue; just as by finished with my now preppy styled straightened pony tail. "There!" Tammy said in amazment before we all up and left towards the gym, which is right next to us. I went for the bleachers as the rest of the girls went in to get changed. Yeah I'm not really suppose to change before gym, but the girls needed, 'time'. Finally they joined me as did the rest of the class. Too bad we were sitting down and no one could see me yet, considering Luke just looked over at me.

"-stical courses!" They guys cheered as he girls groaned. "What?" I asked Ann, who was sitting next to me. "Onstacle courses. I swear, they're all sooks!" She joked about the girls in a whisper. Kelly was siting in front of me and turned around, obviously hearing our whisper. "Tarsha! This is your chance! Usually there's mud, so make sure you roll around in it, a lot! Into your boobs, in your face and hair, everywhere!" She grinned evily at me as we stood up, following everyone else over to the courses. "Yes! I love getting dirty! Oooh and make sure you talk seductively!" Tammy laughed and wiggled her eyebrows, speaking in a sexy voice for the end part. She was like Ann; next to me, but on my left.

Okay, so get dirty, talk seductively, act slutty, pretty simple! I hope... "Boys will go first! First drills a practice, second is a race... Ready?" Our old coach yelled. Man I love him, nicest old man you'll ever meet! "Get set!" The boys all got into persition. "...GO!" The boys were off, going slowly for the practise. After fifteen minutes they were all done and dirty, lining up again for the race. Surprisingly, Mitch - also in my gym class - came first, with Lucas in second and Kyle in third. Now for the real thing...

"Set; GO!" And they were off, over the rock climbing wall and down the ropes. Nate was actually leading, but I think in his cockiness he lost it, because Chase just passed him. In the corner of my eye I saw Kells perk up abit, a smile on her face. But that dropped as Mitch came from nowhere, abd was leading them down the plank... It looks like he's just gonna wi-wait, whoah. Luke just... Where'd he come from?

------LUKES P.O.V!------

I let Mitchel think he had it won before I pushed myself with that little bit of strength I had leftover and whooshed right passed him, over the finish line. I heard clapping and cheering from the bleachers and felt the guys give me a pat on the back as I tried to level out my breathing. After two minutes I was all good, and I made my way over to the water machine. I met Mitchel over here and decided now was better then ever... Okay I followed him over here; but still!

"Hey, faggot." He looked up from his cup of water. "Lucas." He raised his eyebrows uncertainly and I only pushed him. "I heard what you said about my sister, dude. Hurt her and I'll fucking kill you, understood?" He rolled his eyes and I growled. "I like your SISTER; sue me." He shrugged his shoulders and I pushed him again, getting ready to wipe that stupid smirk off his face, but what a shame Chase came over. "Dude, leave it alone." He told me sternly, and I nodded my head. Chase was with me when we heard what Mitch was saying...

I glared and pushed him once more so that he stumbled back into the water machine before I walked away with Chase. "Damn! We already missed the girls first run! And I wanted to see Kelly in the mud!" Chase whined to me as the last few girls joined the rest overthe finish line; all of them covered in mud. Damn, this was a nice view...

"GO!" Coach yelled and all the girls were off again, a redhead in front... I think her names Charlotte, but I can't be sure. Ouch, she fell off the ropes! I watched as Tarsha took the lead and I couldn't help my eyes from roaming over her body... DAMN! Oh god Luke! Look away before she gets to the mud! Oh too late! I watched as she got down low into the mud and stuck up her butt, her hands pulling her through it. She looked like she was grunting, and WOW. Let's just say... I'm gonna need a cold shower!

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