Living with the schools jerk 47

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Tammy's P.O.V

As I sat in the lounge with Chase I hesitated on how best to tell him about my date. Right now, I'm thinking that directly telling him would be better then downplaying it. I mean, it's either that or just get up and go. But I don't like lying to my brother: we're just too close and I always feel extremely guilty.

I sighed as I leaned off of Chase. He turned to look at me. "Movie too scary for you?" He smirked. "No." I rolled my eyes. "It's fine." He laughed and shook his head, slinging his arm around my waist and pulling me back down to him. "I have a date tonight." I told him quickly, and he looked down at me. "That's why you're all dressed up and pretty." He stated like he'd just figured out a hard math problem.

I frowned. "Don't I look pretty every other day?" He laughed and tousled my hair. "No, you look beautiful." He grinned. "You're my brother, Chase. You have to say that." I rolled my eyes again. "Pft! I do not! I only state the truth! You are one of the most beautiful girls I know." I nodded, trying not to smirk. "Yeah, and Kelly's one of those beautiful girls, isn't she?" He blushed deeply and I burst out laughing.

"I heard your little love dedications last night! Don't even get me started on how cute it was! I can go on all day and night if you really want me to. Oh it was beautiful how you reassured her that she wasn't all of those horrible things! I felt my heart meltin-" He shoved his hand over my mouth. "Enough," He growled and I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry." I need to stay in his good books.

"It's okay. Who's your date with?" He asked, changing the subject. Unfortunately, the subject change wasn't a good one... Well, for me. "Um," I paused and then the doorbell rang. My heart beat was up to ten beats per second as I looked at the clock. Shit! It's already six thirty! I'd totally lost track of the time!

"Oh, well I guess I'll soon find out!" Chase wiggled his eyebrows teasingly and jumped up off of the couch, running for the door. I was up and after him straight away. I grabbed my bag in the process. "Chase, wait! I need to spea-" I stopped talking when I heard him greet Ryan. "Oh, hey dude. I thought it was Tam's secret date at the door." He laughed and as I turned the corner, bringing them into my view, Ryan stood there awkwardly. Awkwardly handsome.

He had thrown on a white shirt with a lose blue and black striped tie, and casual yet dressy black pants. He looked gorgeous! He was holding a rose, and I felt my cheeks redden slightly. He brought me a flower? At least I had chosen to wear this nice dress, and not something like jeans and a hoodie. And luckily he'd warned me it was dressy. I was pulled out of my checking him out when my brother said, "Well come in." I saw Ryan looking even more awkward, and so I came to the rescue.

"Actually," I said to my brother as I passed him, "Ryan is my date." I stepped over the threshold and grabbed Rhys' arm. I looked back through the door to see an amused Chase. "You're both so funny!" He laughed. "Ryan? On a date?" He laughed harder and Ryan sighed at the same time I did. "Dude. She's seriously telling the truth." Suddenly Chase was fuming. "What?" He spat out and I closed my eyes. 'Don't get angry, don't get angry.' I repeated to myself. "Chase, it's just a harmless date." I told him seriously, but he ignored me and grabbed my arm, pulling me gently back into the house.

He looked at me pleadingly. "You're not going! Not with Ryan! I'd rather you go with Mitchel!" I gasped. "Chase is such a player! You know that!" He looked at Chase. "No offense, dude." He muttered, though still angry. Ryan looked so cute as he stood there, still a little awkward. "Why do people always say no offense right before they offend you?" He asked, his eyebrows raised. That did it. I snatched my arm away from Chase's grip. "Far out, Chase! Stay out of my business!" I walked back over to Ryan and took his hand. "I'll do what I want!" I told him stubbornly.

"Please don't, Tamara." He begged me slightly. Suddenly Kelly came into my view and I let my eyes widen. "Kelly!" Chase's head flew around immediately and Kelly smiled slightly. "Oh hey all you. I wondered where you all were." She said quietly and I grinned. I knew not to go near her, but I was practically bouncing around with excitement. This is the first time she's left Chase's room in almost a week! "It's so good to finally see you!" She smiled a little and walked out the door, coming towards me with open arms. That shocked the hell out of me! But of course I hugged her back... Really tightly.

"Whoa, Tamara. I'm not going anywhere!" I laughed and I looked over her shoulder as I hugged her again. I saw Chase wearing a completely shocked face. I wonder if mine mirrored his. She pulled away and grinned at Ryan. "You? On a date? Wow!" She laughed and Chase growled. "No need to worry about it, she's not going." I scowled. "I am too!" Kelly stepped away from me and turned slightly, looking at Chase as she frowned.

"Why isn't she going?" Chase scoffed. "Look at who it's with Kelly! Ryan! Ryan of all people!" Ryan laughed and we all turned to look at him weirdly. "Oh common! I mean, I'm not even that bad with girls!" I laughed sarcastically. "Oh, yes you are." Chase's eyes bulged. "Even you know he's bad! Yet you're still going!"

Chase's P.O.V

"Even you know he's bad! Yet you're still going!" I told her in disbelief. She looked sad as I continued to argue my reasons. Suddenly Kelly's face was the only thing I saw as she stepped close to me. "Chase." She whispered, and I knew what she was up to. "Don't even start that, Kelly!" I groaned and she pulled on her puppy dog face. "Please let her go?" She looked adorable as she pouted her bottom lip, with her eyes big.

"Uh!" I groaned. I know she knows that she's going to get me, and so I may as well give in now. "Fine. BUT!" I said as I took Kelly's hand, bringing her to my side so I could see Ryan and Tamara, Ryan glancing at my sister every few seconds. Oh Jesus! "She needs to be home by ten! No later, earlier if you please. One second later and I break all of your fingers before I move onto your toes." I warned Ryan and he nodded. I don't even think he listened to what I said as his eyes didn't leave my sister.

I looked at Tamara who was in a very intimate facial discussion with a laughing Kelly. "Um, sorry to interrupt?" I made it sound like a question. "But you're wasting your precious time." I rolled my eyes and Tamara jumped to me and gave me a big hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She told me and I sighed, pulling the back of her black dress down by the hem. "Sure." I mumbled against her hair. "Love you, sis." She pulled back and smiled at me. "I love you too." I nodded and she gave Kelly another tight hug before she grabbed Ryan's hand and they were off towards his parked car on the street.

"Use protection!" Kelly called out to them and they both stopped walking and turned around: Ryan smirking and Tamara blushing like hell. I growled, loud enough for them to both here. "NO SEX! AND NO FEELING! OR LICKING, OR TOUCHING! BETTER YET, NO LOOKING EVEN!" I shouted loudly at them, not caring about the neighbors. But of course, they ignored me and continued walking.

I turned back into the house, closing the door as I sighed. My eyes caught Kelly's slightly amused ones and we both just stopped. This is the first time since last night - after our confession - that I'd seen her. She'd fallen asleep in my arms after another kiss, and she'd slept all day.

I have no idea why she's out of my room, but I'm extremely proud of her. Not only would it have taken her a lot to be able to face it, but for her to touch my sister, to hug her, and to be the first one to make the move, wow. I finally grinned at her and she smiled back. Walking up to her, I pulled her towards me and was so happy when she didn't even flinch.

As I still held her, I asked her, "Be my girlfriend?" She gasped against my shoulder and I smiled. "Me? I mean, I'm not really what you'd want in a gir-" I interrupter her straight away. "Yes. You are. You're everything I want in a girl. Please go out with me?" I pulled away from the hug and stared at her beautiful face as she bit her bottom lip.

"Are you sure, Chase?" She whispered. "Yes." I told her, and slowly she nodded, causing a huge grin to break out across my face. I pushed a fallen blonde piece of hair, letting me see all of her. "I've been dating you for not even a minute, but already I'm in love with you." I told her honestly and she blushed. "Me too." She paused. "You know, you could have hinted me that you liked me too. It may have given my confidence a boost." I laughed. "I knew you liked me, but... I just guess I was too scared."

She laughed at this before I pulled her in for the most beautiful kiss of my entire life.

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