Living with the schools jerk 36

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------LUKES P.O.V!------

I stayed up for ages, wanting to make sure Tarsha was safe before I went to sleep. I'd been watching re-runs of glee all night, but now that that had finished, I'd absoloutly nothing left to do. I sighed and then finally heard a car pull up. I jumped up, alarmed. Realizing that I'd probably seem weird, and nice, if I stayed up to ensure she was home safe before I slept got me into panic mode. I grabbed a blanket quickly and jumped back on the couch, snoring for effect just as she came in.

She closed the door and must of heard my snoring, because she came over to the couch immediately. I continued my act for what felt like twenty minutes before I finally heard her leave my side. That was... weird.

------TARSHAS P.O.V!------

When I got inside the first thing I noticed was snoring. I walked over to the couch and looked to find Luke fast asleep. I sighed tiredly before sitting down on the coffee table. I don't know how long I sat there for, probably fifteen or so minutes, but I do know that as I did, all that was running through my head was, 'I miss you.'


I woke up late for school, and so I chucked on some music and took my time getting ready. I'm already late, why rush? I jumped in the shower for fifteen minutes and let the hot water get out all my aches. Jumping out, I dressed in my undies and bra before chucking on my adidas jumper with my trackies. 'Casual and lazy today' I thought to myself after putting up my straightened hair. I wore little make-up, only mascara - and vasaline for my lips - as I headed off for school.

I arrived halfway through second period; I guess getting McDonalds and eating it in the park wastes quite some time! I thanked the lady as she gave me my late pass and grabbed my calculas books before I was off for class.

As I walked into the room everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me - gigging as per normal - but when they saw it was only me, they all looked away. Well, all except the girls and *sighs dreamily* Mitch, whose head remained up and gaze remained locked with mine. A smile was set on his face and I took my seat at the back after smiling back.

"I still don't like him." Ann whispered from beside me and I rolled my eyes. "Anna, he is so sweet!"

------LUKES P.O.V!------

"I still don't like him." I heard Anna whisper to Tarsha. I knew I like Anna for a reason! I stole a glance at the four of them; Anna in between Tarsha and Kelly, and Tammy on the other side of Tarsha. "Anna, he is so sweet!" Tarsha told her. "Listen, lastnight on the doorstep, oh my is he beautifu-" "Lastnight on the doorstep, what?" Kelly cut her off excitedly. "Lastnight... He kissed me!" She whispered.

I almost chocked on my chewy, and had to cough quite a bit to stable myself. Kyle hit my back as Nate gave me weird looks. I shook my head and he dropped it. I knew Kyle was listening in to the girls' conersation as well, and as I looked at him I saw his eyes held anger; this confirmed my knowledge. He looked at me and I looked away, not wanting to talk.

I turned my attention back to the girls and listened back into their convo. Only then did I notice they were all looking at me. Tarsha rolled her eyes as Kelly glared. Tammy looked confuesed and Anna had a look of understanding on her face. Then they all went back to their conversation like nothing had happened. Anna groaned. Tammy and Kelly 'awe'd as Tarsha blushed. "Shh! He'll hear yous!" I looked over at Mitch and he could deffinately hear them. The look on his face made me want to smash him into a brick wall. If he hurts Tarsha, he's dead!

------TARSHAS P.O.V!------

School was passing by pretty quickly, and soon enough it was lunchtime. I stood in line waiting with Anna as we joked about how gay 'R-Pat' is. Suddenly arms snaked around my waist and I turned around to come face to face with Mitch. I smiled before he leaned down and pecked me. "I've suddenly lost my appetite." Ann growled and stormed away. I watched after her in confusion.

"Did something happen between you and Anna?" I asked an amused Mitch. He shrugged before replying, "She use to have a crush on me, and then I turned her down." I frowned as I grabbed a burger. That didn't sound much like Anna... And even if that did happen, surely she wouldn't care anymore? Her and Kyle are so happily perfect for eachother!

"Babe, don't worry about it. She'll deal with it. Common," He took my hand and pulled me towards a table with all the 'popular' people on it. "Uh, I think I'd rather jus-" "Tarsh," Mitch turned and whispered in my right ear. My breath caught and he continued. "Please sit with me?" His teeth grazed my ear and I gulped. "Uh, can my friends sit w-with us too?" I asked him through stutters and he chuckled. He pulled away and smiled before nodding his head.

Mitch took my tray to the table while I went over to the girls. "Um, did yous want to come and sit over with Mitch and I?" Anna rolled her eyes but got up anyway. The others agreed, though a little reluctantly. "Sorry, girls. He's just so damn sexy!" They laughed, even Anna gave a small little chuckle.

We reached their table in no time, and as soon as I got there Mitch pulled me next to him. Ann sat by Kyle and they shared a quick kiss as Kelly sat beside Luke and Chase. I laughed as she stole a huge chunk of Luke's burger. He rolled his eyes and poked her in the shoulder. I adverted my gaze and noticed the small dude beside Mitch was looking at me with huge eyes. He had black hair that was almost covering his grey eyes. What was his problem? I looked away uncomfortably and then laughed.

"Oh, it's so funny! Where the heck am I gonna sit?" Tammy rolled her eyes at me as we all chuckled. "Sorry. No room left, reddy." Rachelle - a cheerleader - sneered. "Well we'll make room!" I told he back in the same tone. "Girls. Chill out!" Ryan told us, his famous smirk set firmly in place. Chase looked at Ryan, who was beside him, suspiciously. "I can sort this out." He told us all as he took Tammy's hand and pulled her onto his lap. She gasped and struggled, and as Chase growled Rhy only laughed.

"Dude, no way." Chase pulled Tammy away from Ryan's lap and onto his. "She can sit with her big brother." Tammy rolled her eyes and done a Kelly, stealing Chase's piece of pizza. Nate choked and James spit water out everywhere; Ryan went white. "YOUS ARE RELATED?!" James bellowed, shocked. We all went quiet and then Chase said uncomfortably, "Yes." Tammy rolled her eyes and muttered quietly and mostly to her brother, "Chase. I'm so lucky you're my brother." She then said a little louder to Kelly who was next to her, "Kelly? Would you like to swap places?"

Kelly blushed slightly and said, "Uh, no..." Chase was smirking and said, "I think that's a perfect idea." I tuned out of Chase switching Kelly and his sister and turned into Mitch. He was smiling at me and I pushed my lips to his quickly; just a small peck. He didn't accept this though and again pushed his lips back to mine, letting his tongue glide over my bottom lip. I gae him entrance and let out a small little funny noise as his tongue met mine.

Suddenly I was hit in the head with a piece of pizza. "Lucas! I was eating that!" Tammy complained and I pulled away from Mitch and glared at Lucas. I put. My hand up to my hair and felt a cheesy mass in it. "LUKE!" "I wouldn't call him that..." Nate clicked his tongue in dissaproval. "He only let's Kyle." James told me and I furrowed my eyes, confuesed. Then Luke smirked at me, and that's all it took for me to grab the cheerleader next to me's spaghetti. I chucked it square in Luke's face, and then he drowned me in pepsi. Oh, it's on!

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