Living with the schools jerk 53 -Part 2

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Tarsha’s P.O.V

I yawn, stretching my arms out behind me. I sigh peacefully as I pull the covers up under my chin and turn around, feeling for Lucas. When my hands only find sheets I find myself jumping up and out of bed. He left? After last night, and just like that. He left.

Lucas’ P.O.V

I pull dad in for a big hug. I’ve never been away from him or Claire for as long as I have this past month or so, and I really missed him.

“Where’s that beautiful step-daughter of mine?” He asks me as we break apart. There’s a big, goofy grin on his face.

“She’s upstairs asleep. Don’t wake her. So where’s my beautiful step-mom?” I throw at him and he laughs.

“Not quite son, not quite.” He puts one of his hands on my shoulders, staring at me intensely. “Not yet.”

I find myself not understanding what he means, and so instead of replying I make my way out the front. Here I see mom at the boot of the car, apparently looking for something.

“Hey, mom.” She stops what she’s doing and looks up at me, a big smile coming onto her face. That very smile reminds me of my mom’s old smiles, and how much I miss her.

“Lucas!” She gives me a very motherly hug before we proceed to each grab a few bags, their suitcases already inside. “How are things?”

She throws me a sympathetic look and I shrug helplessly. “I’ll fill you in later,” I tell her, before realizing that maybe it isn’t such a good idea. “Or maybe not.”

She laughs as we reach the door, opening it and ushering me in. She follows me. “Too naughty?”

I feel my cheeks redden the slightest. “Maybe.”

“So what’s so different from all those other times you told me things?” She falls down on the couch as dad walks in with two water bottles. I guess she should be tired, dad too.

“Difference is that was over the phone.”

She laughs and dad joins in. I give him a funny look before realization dawns on me. “You know, too?”

He nods his head. “And there’s something your mom and I need to tell you.”

I stare at him, a silent asking to continue on with whatever it is they need to tell me.

Mom gives me a small smile. “We didn’t get married.”

Tarsha’s P.O.V

I stop on the last step when I hear two shocking things. One, my mom’s voice, and two, what my mom says. “We didn’t get married.”

I rush to the lounge room, my eyes wide as panic surges through me. When I run through the entrance they all stop what they’re doing and look at me. “You didn’t get married?”

My mom’s eyes widen as dad jumps up. “Tarsha,” He says, a smile forming on his face.

I slowly walk over to him, and when I reach him let him pull me in for a big hug. Before I even notice they’re there, dad wipes away my tears.

“I’ve missed you guys so much.” I tell them in a whisper as I feel my mom wrap her arms around me from behind.

“We missed you, too.” She kisses the side of my head.

“Never leave for so long again”

“We won’t.” Dad agrees.

Chase’s P.O.V

“When’s your birthday?” I ask Kelly as we lye in bed.

“Why?” She asks suspiciously as she sits up and leans her head against the beds’ backboard. I do the same.

“Just curious. I mean, you’re older then your friends aren’t you?”

She laughs. “Yeah, I got kept back in kindi. Apparently I was more bothered in biting Lisa Turner than concentrating.”

I roll my eyes. “Sounds exactly like you.” She laughs harder. “So?” I push for an answer.

“I turn eighteen in a few days.”

“What?” I ask, completely shocked. “That close? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I could've organized more than just a cak-”

“That’s why.” She cuts me off. “I don’t want to celebrate it. I don’t like my birthday.”

I shake my head. “No, well this year you’re celebrating it…”

She turns to face me. “Why did you want to know? Really?”

I sigh while looking away from her for a second. “I want you to marry me as soon as you turn eighteen.”

Tammy’s P.O.V

I open my eyes as soon as my hands feel nothing but sheets. I search the room as I jump up, looking around for him. But I see him nowhere.

I sigh, my eyes closing. He left. I really believed he would have stayed, I trusted him. I guess he really is just a player.

“Why are you crying?” I look up as my eyes snap open. They widen when they land on Ryan, standing in the doorway of my bathroom. His face falls, his mouth opening a little as his eyes become sad. “You thought I’d left. I thought you trusted me.”

Guilt washes over me. I have trouble saying something, anything. I bite my lip as he sighs and starts to walk over to me. He sits down in front of me. With his right hand he cups my chin, turning my head towards him and with his left hand wipes away tears that I don’t even know are there.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. I thought I was going to leave, too. I’m still here though, and that’s all that matters.” He leans down and ever so softly meets my lips with his.

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