~!!Chapter Eight - Naruto's Birth!!~

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Previously,I could feel myself on the verge of tears,'I've missed you so much...,' I quickly went over to her from behind and wrapped my arms around her neck,Sasha"Mom!,"I felt her flinch as she looked over her shoulder and saw her smile,Kushina"Sasha! Your finally back! Guess what Ya'know!," I was happy to see her again as I let her go she slowly stood up as my eye slowly widen,Sasha"Y-Your pregnant?!,"She gave me light nod as I quickly went around the couch while she sat back down and when I was finally sitting next to her I gently placed my hand on her stomach,Sasha"Is it a boy or a girl ya'know!,"She giggled lightly as she placed her hands on my cheeks and gently pressed my ear against to her stomach,Kushina"It's going to be a boy Sasha...and we planing on naming him Naruto! Ya'know!,"My eye widen slightly as a huge smile spread across my lips as I giggled to myself,Sasha"Isn't that the same name out off Jiraiya-Sensei book,"I felt her hand on my head stroking my hair while smiling softly,Kushina"Yes it is...hey Naruto guess what your Big Sister is finally home Ya'Know!,"I giggled softly while listening to the small heartbeat that was inside my mother's stomach,'Now I have a little brother on the way I can't wait too meet you...Naruto...,'I continued to listen to his heartbeat but after awhile I started to tell Mom about how my training went well mainly just catching up on things....

~!The Day Naruto Was Born and The Nine Tail's Attack!~

It was just your
normal night but
something very, very
life threatening
happened on that day when
My Little Brother
was born

Sasha's POV
I was standing next to Dad while he was trying to keep the seal closed inside Mom I was holding her and my hand well she almost broke it,Kushina"THIS REALLY HURTS YA'KNOW!!!,"I had a sweat drop down my face while I was holding her hand,Sasha"Come on Mom you can do this ya'know,"She tilted her head and looked at me, all I could see was pain...I couldn't bare Mom being in pain like this then it came to me, Sasha"Dad!,"He looked at me with sweat coming down his face,Minato"Sasha?,"I looked seriously at him,Sasha"Let me hold the seal while you hold Mom's hand!,"His eyes widen as he opened his mouth,Minato"Sasha I can't let do-,"I had a sweat drop down the side of my face,Sasha"This no time to argue!! do you trust me!!,"he looked shock as he gave me a nod, I quickly switch places with him and I was using mine and Layla's chakra to keep the seal from breaking, all my hair was floating because off Layla's chakra was surrounding my body,Minato"S-Sasha...,"I was concentrating until after two hours I heard a baby crying, Dad placed his hand on my shoulder I stopped my chakra, when I went to step down I was going to fall down, Dad quickly caught me,Minato"Are you alright...,"I could see he was worried about me I smiled at him,Sasha"I'm okay I want to meet my baby brother ya'know,"I stood up on my own, The Third Hokage's wife handed me my brother I smiled at him and he was smiling at me and giggling, Sasha"...Naruto...,"I handed Naruto back to the Third Hokage's Wife, I had tears down my eyes, I quickly wiped them away,Sasha"Okay now I'm going to completely seal the Nine Tails ya'know," Dad gave me another nod, before I could even seal the nine tails my eye widen, Sasha"NARUTO!!,"I looked at Dad, Minato"Wait calm down!!,"the person holding Naruto had a kunai by him, he threw Naruto up I went to the side and kick him while Dad grabbed Naruto I sighed, my eye widen again Dad grabbed me and protected me, I could hear Naruto crying, my body started to tremble, Minato"Sasha it's okay...I'll bring back your mother!,"He placed his hand on my cheek, I nodded my head he teleported us to the safe house,Minato"Sasha protected Naruto no matter what understood!,"I nodded my head, he handed Naruto to me and I placed him in the bed,Sasha"G-Good luck Dad!,"He gave me a nod and teleported somewhere to get Mom I laid by Naruto,Sasha"Naruto...I promise I will always protected you...no matter what...I love you," After awhile I heard someone in the room I quickly looked it was Mom and Dad I sighed with relief I got off the bed and stood up while Dad placed Mom by Naruto, Minato"Sasha I want you to go to where Kakashi and the rest are...," My eye widen,Sasha"I'm sorry Dad but...I'm not leaving my family!"His eyes widen as he smiled at me, Minato"Sasha...I love you but I want you to be safe,"He was hugging me I hugged him back,Sasha"Dad I-I don't want to be alone again!,"He kept smiling until, Minato"I'm sorry Sasha...I love you,"My eye widen once again, he teleported me somewhere in the forested I stood there I could feel my body trembling, I couldn't feel my legs anymore I fell down to my knees, I looked down at the ground I could feel something wet trail down my cheeks, I was crying, Sasha"W-Why...Dad why I don't want to be alone again why...DADDY!," I placed my hands over my eyes, I could sense someone approaching me I quickly looked, Sasha"W-Who's there!,"My eye widen slightly,Guy"Sasha...Kakashi I found her,"He was talking to Kakashi through a mic around his neck he quickly walked over to me, Guy"Thank god I found you Youthful Flower!,"that's when Kakashi came,Kakashi"Good work Guy...come on Sasha we need to head to the safe zone where the others are...,"He walked over to me and his eye widen, I looked at him and I couldn't feel anything right now I don't why I'm here still, Kakashi"Sasha...,"I felt him picking me up bride-style, and carried me all the way to the safe zone, I had my head down I wasn't looking at anyone,Kurenai didn't like the idea of being stuck in one place after her father spoke to her for the last time I realised something,'I-I'm leaving my family behind I-I don't want to be alone again no I'm not letting that happen!,'Kakashi"Sasha?...Oi Sasha!,"I quickly pushed pasted Kurenai's father and ran off I could hear them all shouting me to come back,'No! I'm going to save them and this village no matter what!,'It's been a few hours now I was panting heavily from all the running, Sasha"M-Mom...Dad hang in there...,"My eye widen I could sense Mom and Dad's chakra, I quickly ran towards them,Sasha"Mom Dad...,"I could see a barrier around the area, I quickly used my right eye to find a weak spot, Sasha"Found one...,"I quickly ran over to it and slide into it, I quickly got up off the ground and ran over to them, Minato"S-Sasha what are you doing here...?!,"I saw him holding Naruto, I looked at Mom she looked so weak, Kushina"S-Sasha you need...to get away from here it's not safe...,"I looked down, Sasha"I'm not leaving you behind...I-I don't want to be all alone again ya'know!,"There eyes widen as they smiled at me, Minato"Here Sasha place Naruto over there...,"He handed Naruto to me I nodded my head at him, I quickly ran over to the bed that Dad summoned I gently placed Naruto down on it, Sasha"Everything will be okay ya'know,"I smiled at him after awhile I saw that The Nine Tails was going to attack Naruto, I quickly covered him, I could feel something sharp on my back the claw of The Nine Tails had sliced my back but somethings not right, Kushina"S-Sasha...,"My eye widen I could feel my body trembling, I slowly turned my head and looked over my shoulder,Sasha"M-Mommy...D-Daddy...please no...,"As I moved away my back got more sliced I didn't scream, when I looked at Mom and Dad, tears started to fall down my cheeks, Mom reached her hand out to me and placed her hand on my cheek,Kushina"S-Sasha don't cry...I'm sorry that...you got hurt...I'm sorry...we have to leave you and Naruto so soon...,"I was breathing heavily I fell down to my hands and knees,Sasha"Mommy...,"I looked up at Dad,Minato"S-Sasha...I'm glad I saved you that day...and became apart off our family too...,"I could see Mom trying to hold her tears back,Kushina"H-He's right...Sasha please...look after your brother...and make sure you love him too...ya'know,"I could feel my body trembling again,Sasha"I-I promise...I-I will look after him and protect him ya'know!,"I looked at Naruto and gently pick him up,he started to cry,Kushina"S-Sorry Naruto...I didn't mean to...wake you up,"Naruto was crying even more so was I, after a few minutes The Nine Tails was sealed inside of Naruto, I looked down at him,Sasha"I-I don't care what people will think...I'll always be your big sister and I will protect you...I will become Hokage!,"I was crying even more,Sasha"A-And I will always love you no matter what ya'know...,"I was holding Naruto in my arms still until, I sensed someone behind me, Sasha"G-Gramps...,"The Third Hokage was standing there and some ninja's, when they lifted Mom up she was barely alive, Hiruzen"Kushina?!,"I could see her smiling,Kushina"L-Load Third...please look after...my children...,"My tears continued to fall down my face, Naruto was in my arms, everything started to go burly,'N-No I can't end here...,'my eyes felt heavy I could feel myself started to fall down I made sure Naruto was on my stomach, when I landed on the ground I could feel something wet under me it was blood spreading all around me,Sasha"I-I don't want to die...," Everything was going black, On that night all you could hear was the tears off the many people who had lost there loved ones...and on that night I lost Mom and Dad......

~!Naruto's Big Sister - Sasha Uzumaki!~Where stories live. Discover now