~!!Chapter - Fourteen!!~

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Previously,Kakashi"That's enough Sasha...it wasn't selfish at all...you did it in order to keep us safe which everyone was grateful for...but whatever happened to you was something that will never happen again while I'm still alive and by your side...so please don't think it was selfish,"I could hear her sniffling and hiccuping,Sasha"Thank you Kakashi...," She kept repeating the same thing over and over, Kakashi"Hey...enough with the thanks remember you have people here who love you and care about you so enough...,"I felt her nod slightly as my grip tighten slightly around her,'I'll never let her go again! Never!,'It's been a few hours now and I could hear her snoring lightly I sighed with a smile as I carefully picked her up and carried her back home, before I'd left I'd kissed her forehead where her diamond is and smiled softly, Kakashi"Sweet dreams Sasha~,"I went through the window and made my way home....

Naruto's POV
I was sleeping in bed when I felt a sunlight hit my eyes, I quickly opened them,'I need to know if that was just a dream or not ya'know!,' I quickly got out off bed and ran towards Big Sis room and opened the door and saw someone in her bed I carefully walked over towards it,Naruto"...Big Sis...,"I smiled it wasn't a dream after all, I had my back facing her I sighed with relief, my eyes widen a little, I felt someone grabbing me, Big Sis had just pulled me into her bed,Sasha"Good morning Naruto,"she smiled at me,Naruto"Big sis...I'm glad your really here...,"her eye widen but soon soften she smiled at me and hugged me,Sasha"Naruto...I promise I won't ever leave you again ya'know,"I hugged her back and had a goofy smile on my face,Naruto"Your the best sister ever ya'know!!,"she giggled, she started to let me go I got out off the bed, as she sat up and I saw how much her hair has grew I had a smirk on my face I grabbed some off her hair and placed it on top off my head,Naruto"Hey Big Sis! What do you think I would look good with brown hair ya'know!,"she looked at me and burst out in laugher, she sighed and wiped a tear from her eye, she started to get out off bed, but when she stood up all off her hair was on the floor, Naruto"Hey Sis your hair needs a cut,"she sighed and had a sweat drop down her face, she walked towards the bathroom,Sasha"Naruto do want to join me again,"she says it with a smile I quickly ran over to her, Naruto"Sure!!," she giggled, I quickly ran into the bathroom after awhile I got ready to start the day but sis was still in a towel,Naruto"Hurry up sis!!,"I heard a knock on the door I opened it and saw Sakura and Sasuke,Naruto"What do you guys want?,"Sakura smiled, Sakura"Is Sasha-Nee in?,"I looked at them, Naruto"No she isn't sh-"I heard someone yell,Sasha"Who's at the door Naruto?!,"I had a sweat drop down my face,Sakura"Not in is she,"I could hear sis coming,Sasha"Oh Sakura and Sasuke what can I do for you?,"Sis walked over to us she was in the towel still, Sakura"Well we was hoping that um...,"Sasuke looked away with a tint off red on his face,Sasuke"What Sakura trying to say that we hoping that your going to be on our team,"she smirked at Sasuke,Sasha"Oh I see did Kakashi send you here to ask me this sweet Sasuke~," Sasuke was blushing even more because I could see the tips off his ears were red my eyes widen and Sakura looked shock,Sasuke"N-No I was nearby and I was wondering thats all!,"Big sis was giggling, then she placed her hand on his head,Sasha"Aw Sasuke there's no reason for you to be shy around me~," he sighed in defeat but I could see that he was smirking, Sasuke"Maybe you should put some cloths on instead off wearing a towel,"Sis face went completely red,Sasha"S-S-Shut it you!!,"she quickly went to her room with a red face I looked at Sasuke, Naruto"Was there any need to embarrass my big sis Sasuke!!,"he looked at me and crossed his arms, I looked at Sakura but she looking at me like there was something wrong, Naruto"What's the matter Sakura?,"she snapped out off whatever she was doing,Sakura"N-Nothing!!,"after a few minutes Sis was finally ready but...her hair was all over the floor again, Naruto"Sis you need to cut your hair,"I saw that she put her shoes on and ignored what I said, she smiled at me and patted me on the head, when she walked outside Sasuke step on her hair and she fell down, Sakura quickly went big sis side,Sakura"Are you okay Sasha-Nee?,"Big sis giggled and rubbed the back off her head,Sasha"I'm okay...,"she sighed, my fist clenched I grabbed Sasuke by his clothes,Naruto"Why did you do that Sasuke!!,"Big sis eye widen, she quickly stopped me from punching Sasuke in the face,Sasha"Naruto it's okay...I'm okay,"she smiled at me and calm me down and when she stood back up she grabbed a pice off her hair and sighed,Sasha"Maybe I should g-,"Big sis was interrupted,Sakura"NO you shouldn't cut your hair I know someone who can help!!,"Big sis eye widen, Sasha"Really who?,"Sakura grabbed big sis hand and started to dragging her, Sakura"Come on I'll show you,"Sakura giggled but me and Sasuke followed them when we finally arrived where we needed to go this was...SAKURA PLACE!!,Sakura"Welcome to my home Sasha-Nee!!,"when I looked at Big Sis she looked confused, when we walked up the stairs I was holding a lot off big sis hair she sighed and giggled, Sasha"Sorry Naruto for making you do this,"I sighed and smiled at her, Naruto"It's okay believe it!!,"She giggled until,Sakura"MOM ARE YOU HOME?!," we could hear foots steps and we saw Sakura's mom,Mebuki"Sakura sweetheart!! whats the matter?,"Sakura smiled at her mom and looked back at big sis,Sakura"Mom this is Sasha-Nee, Sasha-Nee this my mom Mebuki,"Big sis smiled at Sakura mom,Sasha"Nice to meet you Miss Haruno,"big sis had her hand out to shake, everyone's eyes widen Sakura's mom hugged big sis, Mebuki"SHE SO CUTE!! Sakura why haven't you brought this lovely young lady around here before!!,"Sakura mom grabbed both off big sis hands, Mebuki"It's nice to meet you too, Miss Fifth Hokage,"Big sis eye widen and she blushed madly,Sasha"P-Plaese just call me Sasha,"Sakura mom giggled, Mebuki"Don't worry I'm only kidding!! Anyway what brings you to my lovely home Sasha,"Big sis smiled but before she could say anything,Sakura"Mom I'm wondering if you could do something about Sasha-Nee's hair?,"When I let go off big sis hair, Sakura mom eyes widen, she had sparkles in them,Mebuki"My word Sasha you have such lovely hair I would never cut it if I was you...I can help you with it!!,"Big sis smiled at her, Sakura went under big sis hair and pushed her forwards and her mom was holding big sis hand and dragging her into a separate room,she sighed and had a sweat drop down her face, me and Sasuke sat down on the couch, I looked at Sasuke,Naruto"Why are you still here Sasuke?,"he looked at me, Sasuke"Because we have a mission today idiot!,"I quickly got up, Naruto"WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN IDIOT MORON!!,"Before me and Sasuke was about to hit each other Sakura came out off the room,Sakura"Naruto I need your help,"I looked confused, Naruto"What is it Sakura?,"she sighed, Sakura"Well you see we something really strong to hold Sasha-Nee's hair up does she have a-,"My eyes widen I knew exactly what she was on about, Naruto"I know what your on about I brought it her, she would use it anytime she would be doing her paperwork before she dis-...I mean...never mind I'll go and get it,"Sakura"Thank you Naruto,"....

Sasha's POV
I was sitting in Sakura's mother bedroom looking at myself in a desk mirrior and I was sitting down on a seat,Mebuki"Sasha I hope you don't mind me brushing your hair,"I smiled at her through the mirror,Sasha"It's okay I don't mind,"Sakura was in the room too she was helping her mom to brush my hair I know it was long...but after Sakura's mom did many different hair style's, every time the hair tie would always brake I felt embarrassed,Sasha"I-I'm sorry about this,"Sakura's mom placed her hand on my shoulder, Mebuki"It's alright Sasha,"I didn't noticed that Sakura had left the room and she came back in holding something my eye widen,Mebuki"Sakura we did-,"Sakura"I know this will be able to hold her hair up it used to in the pasted,"I giggled lightly as my gaze soften,Sasha"She's right ya'know," Mebuki"Alright then lets do this!!"after a few minutes, Mebuki"Finally at last we did it!!,"Sakura and her mom high five each other but I looked in the mirror and I felt something wet trail down my face,Sakura"S-Sasha-Nee are you okay?" I looked at her with a smile,Sasha"I'm okay...Thank you Sakura and Mebuki,"I went to stand up but,Mebuki"Hold it! I'm not done yet I want to show you something okay,"I nodded my head she put something weird on my lips, Mebuki"There that should do it I never really like this colour but it suits you very well Sasha!!,"She giggled at me when I looked back at the mirror I was wearing a light pink lipstick I smiled and giggled a little,Sasha"Thank you Mebuki,"She giggled and gave me the lipstick she used on me,Sasha"Are you sure?,"She gave me a light nod as she held both of my hands with the lipstick in it,Mebuki"Off course take it I already said I don't like the colour that much and your the first person to wear it,"I sighed softly as she let my hands go, Sakura"Wow Sasha-Nee you look super pretty!!,"I felt my cheeks go slightly warmer then usual as I stood there, Sasha"T-Thank you Sakura,"I opened the door and Naruto and Sasuke eyes widen....

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