~!!Chapter - Forty!!~

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Previously,Penelope"Are you alright Kabuto?,"She walked over to me and used that brilliant power off hers to cut the wood off me, Kabuto"Thank you Lady Penelope," She looked at me with slightly wide eyes and with a tint of blush, Penelope"Anyway I'll meet you down there...,"I was confused as she poof a smirk appeared on my face as I lifted my glasses up slightly, Kabuto"I do wonder...her chakra is somewhat different...sort off like Naruto's...hm I'll have to look into it but Lord Orochimaru has forbidden me to do any tests on her,"I sighed as I made my way back into the hide out....

Penelope's POV
After using an clone it took a lot off my chakra, I was in the hallway somewhere panting lightly,'Dammit why now...,'I felt my body weakening as the pain was rushing through my body, I was leaning against the wall and my legs they were weakening on me,'Why now...,'I finally fell down on my knees panting,'My whole body feels like it's on fire...ugh!,'I quickly placed my hand over my left eye as I felt something wet trail down my cheek,Penelope"I-I have to...ugh,"I couldn't make my demon powers work, my body fell forwards onto the ground while panting heavily my vision became blurry as my eyes were closing, Penelope"Nar...uto...," My body laid there on ground....

I don't know how long I was out for but nothing but pain was rushing through my body,'How long have I been out?,'I started to slowly open my eyes everything around me was slightly blurry I tryed to see better but all I could see was two balls off colour one yellow like the sun and the other one it was the same colour as a sakura blossom flower, which were my favourite flowers, I'd blinked a few times, straight away I recognised those two ball off colours, Penelope"Naruto...Sakura,"My vision finally cleared up as I quickly shot up but soon let out a quiet yelp, Sakura"Penelope! Stay still!,"I felt Sakura's hand on my back making me lay back down,Penelope"Why...Why am I here?,"They both looked shocked as I heard someone come in,Tsunade"I'm sorry Penelope...I told them about your Mission...,"I sighed as I looked at Naruto soon turned my head away too avoid eye contact with him,Penelope"Naruto I-,"My eyes soon shot open, Naruto"Don't say anymore...,"I could feel his warmth he was hugging me soon my vision started to blur and something hot trailed down my cheeks I soon buried my head into his chest crying loudly, Penelope"I'm sorry! I just wanted to save Sasuke...,"I felt his grip tighten slightly,Naruto"Penelope...If you went with them...you would only be killing yourself and...hurting everyone you love too,"I felt myself flinch as I moved out of the hug to look at him soon my eyes widen slightly, Penelope"My backpack where is it!,"I quickly wiped my tears away while, I heard Lady Tsunade sigh, Sakura"Penelope while looking in your bag we found...,"I quickly got out of the bed as I stood there,Penelope"Where is she...,"They all looked confused, Penelope"The snake! I promised her I would look after her! Give her back!," They all looked shock as the door opened,Sasha"Here we are Fionna...Hm that's really is a cute name,"I'd looked at the door and my eyes slightly widen, Fionna"Are you sure these rags suit me," I heard Sasha-Sensei laugh lightly as Fionna was messing with the clothes, Sasha"Yes they do and their called clothes not rags,"She gave Sasha-Sensei a slight nod,Tsunade"She told us everything about Orochimaru...and about his hideouts,"I gave her a nod as I looked at Fionna she smiled at me and soon started to glow and turned back into a snake I kneeled down and let her slid up my arm up towards my shoulders I sighed as I smiled at everyone....

It's been a few days now I spent them with Kanji Leo and the kids, but when Orochimaru told me about my Clan being Massacred I didn't bother asking Lady Tsunade or Sasha-Sensei I needed to find out on my own it's been a few days now and it was time for another mission, we had been requested by the Fire Temple, they had asked us to catch some grave robbers but something about this mission has me feeling uneasy, we finally got to the meeting place and we had to wait for the client, so Naruto decided to sit next to Sakura but she soon pushed him away I sighed softly with a sweat drop down the side of my face, Sakura"Penelope sit next to me...,"She was patting the ground gently as I walked over to her and sat next to her, it's been awhile and Captain Yamato Sakura and Sasha-Sensei went of in a different direction as for me Naruto and Sai we waited until Naruto got up and ran off,Penelope"I'll go after him okay you wait here Sai...I know it was a misunderstanding,"Sai gave me a smile as I quickly looked for Naruto....

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