~!!Chapter - Nine!!~

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Previously,Sasha"Mommy...,"I looked up at Dad,Minato"S-Sasha...I'm glad I saved you that day...and became apart off our family too...,"I could see Mom trying to hold her tears back,Kushina"H-He's right...Sasha please...look after your brother...and make sure you love him too...ya'know,"I could feel my body trembling again,Sasha"I-I promise...I-I will look after him and protect him ya'know!,"I looked at Naruto and gently pick him up,he started to cry,Kushina"S-Sorry Naruto...I didn't mean to...wake you up,"Naruto was crying even more so was I, after a few minutes The Nine Tails was sealed inside of Naruto, I looked down at him,Sasha"I-I don't care what people will think...I'll always be your big sister and I will protect you...I will become Hokage!,"I was crying even more,Sasha"A-And I will always love you no matter what ya'know...,"I was holding Naruto in my arms still until, I sensed someone behind me, Sasha"G-Gramps...,"The Third Hokage was standing there and some ninja's, when they lifted Mom up she was barely alive, Hiruzen"Kushina?!,"I could see her smiling,Kushina"L-Load Third...please look after...my children...,"My tears continued to fall down my face, Naruto was in my arms, everything started to go burly,'N-No I can't end here...,'my eyes felt heavy I could feel myself started to fall down I made sure Naruto was on my stomach, when I landed on the ground I could feel something wet under me it was blood spreading all around me,Sasha"I-I don't want to die...," Everything was going black, On that night all you could hear was the tears off the many people who had lost there loved ones...and on that night I lost Mom and Dad......

~!Few Years Later!~

Sasha's POV
It's has been years after my parents died but...at least I have Naruto who has respect for me Because I'm The Fifth Hokage...well its not been announced yet to the villager's but I guess most off them know already, anyway I don't care if they know or not but today is the day they finally announced that I'm The Fifth Hokage, after a few hours I was finally the Hokage I sighed I was walking to the Hokage office but when I got there I saw little Sasuke, learning against the door waiting I sighed again and smiled,Sasha"It look's like someone was waiting for me"Sasuke stood up and walked over to me, I looked at him with pity in my eye but I didn't show it he was still very young he was a sweet kid even though, I made a promise to his brother on that night...after what he did to Sasuke he killed his own parents and his own clan was completely wiped out, I kneel down to his height,Sasha"So what do I own off this great pleasure Sasuke"He blushed a little and looked shy it was so cute he was looking down at the ground,Sasuke"H-Here"He was holding a little rose,I smiled at him,Sasha"Thank you Sasuke"I kissed his forehead and his face went even more red he handed me the rose I stood up and patted him on the head,Sasha"See ya Later Sasuke"He nodded his head and ran off with a smile, I went into the room and walked over to the seat I sighed, I looked over at the picture's off the previously Hokage's I saw Dad's picture, Sasha"It look's like I'm finally the Hokage...I hope your proud off me Mom, Dad..."I looked at the desk and started to write a letter to someone very special to me, after awhile I finally finished my letter, I summoned Mavis, she sighed, Sasha"Mavis I need you to deliver this to Auntie," she sighed once again and chuckle lightly,Mavis"I wanted to say congratulations on becoming Hokage M'Lady,"I looked shocked,I sighed and I petted Mavis on the head,Sasha"Thank you Mavis now go,"she jumped out off the window to deliver my letter. An hour Later I heard a knock on the door I sighed a smiled crept onto my face,Sasha"I know it's you Naruto,"he walked in with a big smiled, Naruto"Aw how did you know it was me Big Sis!!"I giggled at him because he was fake pouting I got up from my seat and walked over to him because he had his back turned to me I started to tickle him,Sasha"Because Your my little brother and I love you"he was laughing loudly,Naruto"S-Stop ahahaha!!"I was laughing with him until he notice the rose on the desk, Naruto"Hey big sis who gave you that rose?"I sighed and smiled at him, Sasha"Well a little boy gave me that rose"he looked jealous,Naruto"B-But I'm the only one you should look at Big sis I'm your little Brother"My eye widen but I started to laugh,Sasha"Oh Naruto...remember I promise Mom and Dad that I will always love you and protect you so don't ever think that I will forget you ya'know"He smiled at me I kneeled down to his height and hugged him,Naruto"I love you big sis"A smile came to my face as I held a little tighter,Sasha"I love you too Naruto,"I looked at the time, I broke the hug and looked at Naruto,Sasha"Naruto I think you should head home now I need to get some stuff done okay,"He nodded his head he ran over to the door, Naruto"Okay big Sis!!"before he left the room,Naruto"Oh yeah Big sis"I was still on my knees,he quickly walked up to me and placed his little hands on my cheeks and moved some off my hair and kissed my forehead, Naruto"Goodnight Big Sis,"he ran off and went home I stood back up on my feet and placed my hand on my forehead,Sasha"Oh Naruto...if only you knew...,"I walked over to the desk and sat back down I put my hair into a ponytail so it would be out off my face, including that I started to do some work after some hours I couldn't stay awake my eye started to get heavy and I fell asleep on the paperwork...

Kakashi's POV
I had some paperwork to give to Sasha but when I knock on the door no answer,Kakashi"I'm coming in,"I opened the door and saw that she...fallen asleep on the paperwork and she had her hair tied back it look good, even though it's her first day off being Hokage she sure got a lot done I walked over to her and she was sleeping peacefully a piece off her hair fell down so I gently grabbed it and placed it behind her ear but I could see she was about to wake up I quickly step back, Sasha"K-Kakashi...?,"when she sat up she was rubbing her eye, Kakashi"Sorry to have woken you up,"she smiled at me and sighed, Sasha"It's okay I needed to wake up anyway whats up you seem stress,"My eye widen,Kakashi"Well here," I handed her the paperwork, Sasha"What?! Spy's dammit,"I could see the worry in her eye,Kakashi"I'm guessing they going after you or...Naruto,"Her eye widen but she some how remained calm, she stood up and walked over and learned against the desk, Sasha"Does Gramps know about this too,"I saw her rubbing her eyes, Kakashi"No not yet but Guy will inform him,"she sighed,Sasha"What am I going to do...,"she seemed stress now I clenched my fist and walked up to her,Sasha"K-Kakashi?!,"her face went completely red,Kakashi"Sasha~,"her eye relaxed, before I could do anything the door fling opened I quickly moved off her it was Guy breathing heavily,Guy"D-DON'T TOUCH MY YOUTHFUL FLOWER KAKASHI!!,"Me and Sasha had a sweat drop down our faces,Sasha"Guy did you tell Gramps whats going on?!," Hiruzen"Yes Guy informed me," Sasha sighed with relief, Sasha"Thank god your here Gramps I-I don't know what to do...I'm sorry...,"The Third sighed and smiled at Sasha,Hiruzen"It's okay Sasha remember I'm always here to help okay,"she nodded her head after few hours the sun was coming up Sasha was sitting down while me and Guy including The Third was helping her out she looked awful,Kakashi"Sasha maybe you should head home and get-,"My eye widen, she quickly stood up and slammed her hand down on the desk, Sasha"NO NOT UNTILL THIS MATTER IS SORTED!!,"I saw her eye widen and looked shocked,Sasha"Kakashi...I'm Sorry,"She sighed as she sat back down, Hiruzen"Sasha you need to get some sleep,"She was rubbing the side of her head,Sasha"Like I said I am the Fifth Hokage I must sort this matter out...or else Naruto's life will be in danger...," Guy was about to say something, until someone knocked on the door, Sasha"Come in",I heard her sigh, Iruka"S-Sasha I mean M'lady,"She giggled a little, Sasha"Iruka, whats the matter and also just call me Sasha,"she smiled at him,Iruka"Well um I'm wondering if you can come to the academy today for the kids,"Sasha stood up again and walked over to Iruka,Sasha"Off course I will and I know a certain student will behave himself while I'm there,"Iruka chuckle a little with a smile on his face,Iruka"Alright then I'll see you later Sasha,"Iruka left the room,Kakashi"Sasha are you sure-," My eye widen as she looked at me she was smiling at me, Sasha"Kakashi I'm alright...after I spent the day at the academy I will come back and continue to sort the matter out ya'know,"We all sighed,Hiruzen"Sasha this an order go home and get some rest!,"Guy and me looked at The Third with a shock face, Sasha Sighed and smiled,Sasha"I know your worried about me but I'm fine...I'm heading to the academy ya'know,"Sasha soon disappeared,Hiruzen"Kakashi I want you to keep an eye on Sasha and Guy I want you to keep an eye on Naruto okay,"We both nodded our heads and left the office....

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