Chapter 16

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Emma's POV

Its been a few days since I learned I was pregnant and I am very excited. Killian on the other hand hasnt said a word about the baby or actually has talked to me since he found out. It was weird its like he doesnt want anything to do with us, but I know thats not true. He is just in shock this will fade.... I hope.

"Hey Emma. How you feeling today?" Snow asks.

"Actually I feel fine. So far other then throwing up every couple hours Im okay." I say.

"And Im done eating." Regina says and pushes her food aside.

"Hey no one asked you to come over and make oatmeal." I say.

"Anyway... How's Killian doing with all this?" Snow asks.

"Actually I dont know he wont even talk to me. I think he is just in shock. It will be okay right?" I question.

"Well if Im sure he just needs more time to process this. He'll come around." Snow says.

"Or maybe not." Regina says.

"Okay your not helping." Snow says.

"Anyway... I think he just needs space, but I feel like I just have to make the first move here. If he wont talk to me then I'll talk to him." I say.

"Well go down there and talk to him. Its a slow night." Regina says.

I walked downstairs and saw Killian just cleaning up the counter. He didnt even look up at me when I sat across from him.

"Are you mad at me? Do you not want this baby? Do you hate me? Did I make you promise something you just wernt ready for? Have I ruined our friendship? Killian talk to me." I say to him.

"Swan not now Im busy." He says.

"Killian this place is dead. You have one pasted out drunk guy in the corner and Robin and David playing poker on the other side of the bar. I think you have time to talk." I say.

"Fine. No Im not mad at you. Yes I do want this baby. No I dont hate you. No you didnt make me promise something I wasnt ready for. Lastly no you didnt ruin our friendship. There I talked to you. You happy now Swan?" He asks.

"No! Im not. I feel like you hate me or that I did something wrong. You havent spoken to me since we found out. What did I do to make you shut me out?" I ask holding back tears.

"Swan you did nothing. Its not your fault Im being an ass. I know you will make this work and be an amazing mother. Your not the problem I am. What if I fail this child or I fail you. I cant stop thinking about what would have if I just ruined everything." He says.

"Killian dont think like that. Your an amazing person and I know that we will be okay. Just dont shut me out we have to do this together. Okay. You and me." I say.

"Okay Swan. I'll try to do better and Im sorry I never meant to hurt your feelings." He says.

"Thats okay your punishment will occur the more the baby grows. The more hormonal and crazy I become." I say.

"Lucky me." He says.

He walked over to me and placed his hand softly on my stomach. I placed my hand over his letting him know that he wasnt gonna fail us. Now if only I could let him know that I love him. Then it would be my perfect ideal family. Just Me, Killian, and our little one. I guess that is just an ideal Fantasy. Though who knows one day it just might be real.

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