Pain Fades

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Naruto POV:

I woke up this morning to the sound of Temari knocking on my door, not wanting to wake up I roll onto my side facing the wall and pulling the blanket over my head.

Today is the day I'll be leaving Suna/Sand Village and return back to Konoha.

It's been four years since I moved to Suna, four years since Sakura died...

I failed to keep my promise, I failed to bring Sasuke back. This is my punishment.

"Naruto? You in there, I'm coming in so you better have some clothes on or I'll beat you!"

Temari walks in and tries to pull the blankets off me. She failed.

"NARUTO! GET UP NOW YOU LAZY SKINNY ASS!" "I don't want to leave..." I mumbled in a low voice, but Temari's ears must of caught it since I felt weight go down on the bed.

"Naruto... you can't stay here forever... You we're only meant to be here for four months, it's been six years now..." she said in a low voice. "But... I don't feel like it's home-" I whimpered till Kankuro shout cut me off "TEMARI WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG"

Before either of us could shout back Kankuro walked into the room and looked at Temari and me. "Naruto if you're not up and dressed soon you'll miss out on saying bye to Gaara."

Oh shit, I forgot about the meeting he had today. I look up at the clock on the dresser. Shit. It starts in twenty minutes. I got time.

"Well maybe if you two went out of my room I could actually get ready." "Why you little-!" before Temari could finish Kankuro carried her over his shoulder and walked out of the room. I could hear Temari's screaming as they went down the hall.

I get out of bed an grab a towel out of the closet on the way to the bathroom, strip down and look at myself in the mirror, tracing my fingers down my skinny body.

As the year's gone by my want for food faded away to the point where food didn't cross my mind at all, the only times I ate was when I was forced. Due to all the missions and lack of food, I've became very skinny, my bones we're clearly visble, same with my wounds.

I sigh and step into the shower, resting my hands spread out on the wall and duck my head under the water. I don't want to go back there...

~* Pain Fades *~

I rush out of my room to the highest part of the building, the Kazekage's office. I hear Kankuro and Gaara aruging again, Kankuro fustrated and Gaara in a laid back voice. I walk in and Gaara's eyes focus straight on me. "Hello Naruto" "Kazekage-Sama." "I told you to call me Gaara" "Sorry, Gaara."

"So today you're going back to Konoha." I nod and look down slightly, Gaara must of noticed because he stood up and ask Temari and Kankuro to leave and walked over to me placing his hand on my shoulder. "Naruto..." I sigh and lower my head more, looking down at my feet. "Naruto, look up." I shake my head and try step back from Gaara but he grips both of my shoulders with a firm graps.

"Naruto, you're going back to your village, you can't run away forever. Don't you want to become the Hokage? What about all your friends? You can't stay here forever."

Knowing it was pointless I nod and slide out of Gaaras graps, look up and wear a fake smile, Gaara open his mouth slightly in awe. I haven't smiled for years, he must of forgotten what my real smile looked like since he was amazed by this one.

~* Pain Fades *~

After getting my belongings together I walk out the house I've lived for the past years towards the village gates I walked in and out of every mission I've taken part in the and stopped to see Temari and Kankuro stand before me.


[A/N] Sorry about the long wait, I have my exams coming up and I need to study and such. Please leave comments for feedback, I'll reply to every one :3

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