Chapter 7

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*Kakashi Pov*

I walk towards Naruto after waking up not backing down this time, I walk up to him and stand in front of him staring right directly at his eyes. "Naruto, I care about you. You do know that"

Naruto's eyes widen a little shocked but his shoulders slumped further. "You shouldn't. Nobody should care about me. I'm not worth it."

I've seen him with such low esteem. "What happened to you?"

Naruto nervously looked away from me. "Nothing."

He looked like he was being honest but I can tell he was lying, there the possibility that he was lying to himself as well but his tone and refusal to make eye contact told me otherwise. "No, I can see that's it's something."

"Maybe." He looked like he wanted me to change the subject and "I just need time to deal with it."

I would have loved to give him time, but those scars are from self-harm and attempts to kill himself, we didn't have that luxury. Even as I watched, he grew more withdrawn. The only thought I could get out of his expression now was to get out of so he could get away from me and what I was forcing him to admit. If I could push him, just a little, maybe he might crack and tell me everything. I felt terrible about it but I didn't think I had many options left.

"You're not dealing with it, you're hiding." No reaction. Naruto stared at the ground and refused to look at me. Being careful might not get me anywhere. I ignored the unsettling feeling that was growing in my stomach and pain in my chest. "I never knew you were a coward."

Naruto's head snapped up and became angry "What did you just say?"

"I said you're being a coward. I've seen you go at selfish people who are acting the way you are now."

"I don't know what you're talking about." His anger was growing and it was obvious that he really didn't want to be here. "If you don't mind I have plans like I told you before." Walking past me, he goes to walk out but I grab his wrist but Naruto pulling his fist back and going to punch me I jump out of the way. Naruto let out a frustrated growl.

"Let me go, Kakashi."


"Why won't you just leave me alone?" he pleaded.

Because he was hurting himself and everyone around him, Because I had to do something to help him, Because I loved him.

The last thought no longer terrified me like it might have months ago. It was true and there was no way I could deny it. When we'd first met, I barely spared him a glance. Now he'd become as vital to me as breathing and I couldn't bear to see him in pain. But I was afraid that I might have to hurt him a little before he could really heal, like leaching the poison from a wound. "You'll never become Hokage if you let something like this beat you." Whatever this was. I still wasn't exactly sure.

Naruto was shaking and his eyes had narrowed. "You have no idea," he hissed.

"No, I don't. You haven't said a damned word to me years and now months."

"I've been doing fine..." he trailed off and glanced at me like I might snap at him again for using the word. There might have been a glimmer of hope in his eyes but it that was probably my imagination. Naruto he shook his head and his expression turned angry again. "Talking won't fix anything," he said finally.

"How do you know if you won't even try?"

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