[2] Plans

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Katsuki didn't think any single human being could piss him off this much while not even being in the same room.

He tapped his foot against the floor impatiently and rested his head in the palm of his propped up hand. Irritation crawled up his spine as the clock above the board ticked on without regard to the teen who had been burning a hole through the hands with his gaze for the past half hour. Eraserhead had wanted some more sleep, so he had given the entire class a study period. Katsuki's classmates were chatting excitedly around him without a care in the world, but he couldn't scratch the increasing itch on the back of his neck. No one else seemed to notice the absence, and the only two people who could've were absorbed in their own little world.

It didn't matter to him of course. The Earth could stop turning, the fate of the world resting on his shoulder, and he still wouldn't care enough to do a damn thing about it. The itching sensation on the back of his neck grew to his shoulder blades when two teens in particular glanced at each other before going back to work in silence. Clearly, those two fuckers knew something he didn't and weren't willing to share. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, but Katsuki was willing to bet his money on that fact that they did. He had half a mind to storm over to the suspiciously acting students and demand answers from them. Based on experience though, he could probably accurately assume that they would adamantly try and ignore him and tell him nothing useful. Katsuki grit his teeth and let out a growl of frustration.

Where the hell was that useless Deku?

That ever present, always bothersome nag that sat behind him was absent. According to his instincts, the shitstain should have been back at lunch time. It was now the last period of the day, and the shadow that somehow never left his side, was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn it," he cursed under his breath. Why was he getting so worked up over fucking Deku? Why the hell did he care what happened to that fucktard? Why did he give a shit?!

Katsuki released a roar of frustration and flipped his desk, sending it crashing into the ones in front of him like wrecked dominoes.  The classroom was dead silent, as all eyes - except for a sleeping sensei - was on him now. He whirled around to face them with an untamed fire burning in his eyes. Small explosions now crackled in his palms, accompanied by a vicious glare directed towards anyone who so dared to keep starting.

"What the hell are you all looking at?!" Katsuki snapped at them, and slowly they all went back to their own conversations, every once in awhile sneaking a glance at the unhinged teen that stood above his chair, smoldering in anger.

Katsuki noted that round face and glasses, hadn't even looked up at his outburst, and each wore the same grim and worried expression. He narrowed his eyes. What the hell had happened to Deku while he wasn't looking?

Not like he cared.

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Izuku's head was swimming. And apparently, his stomach had decided to join it, and that made him want to hurl.

After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only a second or two, Izuku exited the warp gate and collapsed onto the ground on all fours. The sick feeling didn't go away, so his body thought this would be the best opportunity to give in and empty breakfast onto the floor.

He coughed a few times, and wiped the saliva dripping from his mouth with the back of his hand. He glanced up, scanning his surroundings. He had been transported to a small bar of sorts. The smell of alcohol was faintly in the air and the lights were dim. The booths, stools, and the bar itself all had an old rustic look to it. Not a badly designed bar when it boiled down it to, but that wasn't the main issue right now. He scrambled to get out of the way and hide as Shigaraki exited the warp gate behind him.

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