[4] Number One

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Katsuki was becoming more irritated by the minute. Those two idiots kept glancing at each other, mirroring the same idiotic expression of worry and confusion, and even occasionally glancing at the explosive teen. They didn't say anything, they didn't have to, about the importance of their concern. Whatever it was, they saw it fit to fret about the entire class by glancing at random students in frequent intervals. What did those two fuckers have to be so worried about?

He backpedaled. Well he couldn't really judge at the moment, because he was thinking about someone else's safety. Katsuki couldn't help but scowl. Yeah, they were probably worried about Deku too, but then why hadn't they said anything yet? Normally, if the nerd missed even the smallest amount of class they'd began to panic. He would come in any weather, and even be carrying a giant tissue box and look like shit just to be present at school. The only time Deku missed class was when he was injured.

Gazing out of the corner of his eye, Katsuki saw round face and glasses staring at him. He purposely turned in their direction and they quickly focused on what was in front of them. A feral growl found its was up his throat. They had abso-fucking-lutely no reason to be looking at him like that. He could take care of himself, by himself.

Now their peeking at him was becoming obnoxious.

Katsuki strode over to their side by side desks, and slamed a hand down on each of them. "What the hell is up with the pathetic looks you shitheads keep giving people, me specifically?!"

Round face's eyes shot up to him, startled out of her thoughts. Her mouth wobbled as her brain nervously tried to form sentences. "O-oh, I didn't even notice." She waved her hand, but even Katsuki could see that it was shaking badly. In fact she looked scared. He glanced at Iida and glasses wouldn't even meet his eyes for a second. He just kept his gaze down on his perfectly still hands that were laced together.

Man, Katsuki knew that he was violent and rude among other things, but he didn't think he had done anything recently to warrant this terrified reaction.

Would flipping the desk ten feet count? Nah.

"Answer me damn it!" He snarled and re-slammed his hands on their desks, the pair visibly flinching.

"Um," round face pushed her index fingers together, voice wavering. "Iida and I, well, we've both come to the conclusion that, uh..." She stalled and Katsuki fixed her with a glare that practically forced her to continue. Under the pressure, she managed to squeak out," T-that both of us have f-forgotten something."

"Hah?" That was Katsuki's version of 'explain further'.

"We're not sure, but we know that something is missing from our memories." She became more confident with each word. "It's like, an itching on the back of our necks." That caught the blonde's attention. Itch? He'd had had something like that since lunch.

But like hell it was because he couldn't remember something.

He considered grilling them further, but fate chose for him, because seconds later, the bell rang and kids flooded out into the hallway to try and leave as fast as possible. One kid even ran by with his super speed and created a wind that flipped the skirts of all the girls he passed. They screamed and boys ogled for as long as possible. Katuski shoved his way through the leering boys and pushed himself towards the exit. That kind of stuff didn't interest him anyways.

His mind was so preoccupied with other thoughts that he'd rather not disclose, he didn't even register that he had bumped hard into someone until they said, "Try to watch where you're going next time."

Katsuki whirled around in fury. " Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" He grabbed the unamused boy's collar and hefted him closer to get up in his face. He would have pulled the boy off his feet, but considering the aggressor was slightly shorter than his victim, that wouldn't work out well. The boy had large bags under his tired purple eyes, and his wild purple hair looked like someone took a blow dryer to the front of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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