I Need To Say Something (World Kindness Day)

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Today is World Kindness Day and I'd like to say that all of you people are wonderful just the way you are. It doesn't matter what race or ethnicity you are. It doesn't matter if you like guys, girls, or both. It doesn't matter what gender you are. You all are beautiful the way you are. Don't try to change yourself to be like others. Don't change yourself because you think you need to be a certain way. Be yourself and I guarantee it that at least one person will like you.

That brings me to say what I wanted to say.

I am coming out to all you wonderful people.

I've said on on different social media what I was but here, I'll be open.

I am a bisexual human being. I just thought it opens a wider variety (please get it) of people for me. I wasn't happy where I was and realize I was bi. It was wonderful to realize I was.

Now, biologically I am a female. I like to consider myself as a genderfluid demi-boy type of person. Since I haven't gone through transition (and my parents don't exactly approve), I don't want to EXACTLY classify myself as a transgender. But to all you people, I am a FTM. (Pronouns wise, I will accept they, them, he, his, she, her ect.)

Look back on all the kind things you've done in the last year and try to do even more to help people around. The littlest thing can make someone's day. 

Have a nice day!


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