Chapter 17

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Schools almost starting, I’m pretty nervous about it, it will be the first time I won’t be homeschooled, and I can’t wait. I’ll be going to school with a lot of bruises and cuts from the accident.

Three weeks ago was when I got hit by the large truck, ever since then I’ve been to shaken up to even go near a road, it’s bad. Brandon comes over once a week; he’ll tell me stories of what’s been going on at Hillside, or about Jarin trying to get him back. I’ll even sometimes go to Hillside to visit everyone with Anna. Mrs. Donovan is always pleased to see me visit, along with the kids; whenever I come the kids get such big smiles, and the twins that are there, are the cutest things ever! Everybody seems so happy now, Hillside is a lot happier and brighter now, I don’t know if it’s because I’m gone, I hope that’s not why, but when I’m there everybody is happy.

I even started to volunteer at homeless shelters, and make food for them with Anna, it’s been great. I love life, more than I have ever loved life before. I realized that you don’t need a boy to be happy, you just need your friends and family. Brandon and I decided to take it slow and just be friends for a bit, which is alright by me, I’d rather have him as a friend, because if we dated, then broke up, we wouldn’t see each other anymore.

Anna and I went shopping for school clothes, I am now in style, with clothes and school supplies. Our relationship has gotten so much better, we’re so close from when I first met her, she’s like my best friend but instead she’s my mom. I would never replace my actual birth mother, never could I do that, but here right now with Anna I feel so loved, the felling of love that I haven’t felt by an adult in a long time, it was nice, and the best thing a kid or teen could feel. I cherished every moment of love I got.

I was so excited about school, I only had three friends that I would be going with but I’m just excited to see what it’s like, I know most people hate school, but not me, I enjoyed learning. Wow I’m such a nerd! I’m very nervous though, what if kids treat me rudely, that would suck a ton!  But wither way I was excited.

*First day of school*

I wake up in the morning pretty early, it’s the first day of school, and I’m pretty nervous, I have butterflies in my stomach, and I don’t know what to wear. I take a shower just letting all the stress run off of my. When I finish my shower I dress in some black skinny jeans with this cute crop top with the word music scribbled on the front, I added a black long necklace, with some hoop earrings, I had my Toms on to match as well. I looked pretty good actually. When I went downstairs Anna was in the kitchen making breakfast, she put a plate in front of me and I just ate it, we had a small chat but then I went to go d my hair. Oh my hair! I didn’t have a clue what to do with it, my hair is medium length, I decided on straightening it, then add a bow to touch it up. It was time to catch the bus, my first time ever on a bus.

When I got on the bus there was a lot of people on it, there wasn’t any seatbelts, which was strange but cool, all the guys looked at me as soon as I got on the bus, I took my seat in the middle of the bus, with people still starring at me, I hate it when people looked at me, I always get self conscious, and embarrassed.

“Hey pretty lady, what’s your name?” a random guy asks me, he’s pretty hot though so I didn’t mind.

“Rosie.” I simply say, I think I sounded shaky I sure hope not.

“Well Rosie, I’m Jay, I’m guessing your new?” he has a surfer dude voice, kind of like one of those guys who are always on a beach surfing, but he didn’t talk like one, just sounded.

“Yeah I’m new.”

“Great, hey if you need anything, talk to me.” with that he sits back down, I hear all the guys talking and giving him high-fives and hollering, boy is this going to be a year!   

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