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Time seems to fly by, because with what seemed like no time at all people were being allowed through the gates and into the venue.
I rush through the gates and ticket check as fast as I can that way I can get front and center for the show so I can see everything perfectly.
I feel my heart pounding in my chest, I'm so excited. Even in my wildest dreams I don't think I've ever thought of seeing Ghost live, let alone meeting the singer.
As the rest of the crowd files in, I notice how the people on the ground only fill up the front half off the floor when in all honesty they could take up all of the floor and have much more room.
This makes me laugh.
As the last people enter, the big lights start to dim allowing the beautiful chandeliers that hang from the ceiling to shine in their full glory.
The first opening band finished setting up then makes its way into the stage to perform.
They weren't bad, a band called The Dead Girls Academy. They only have one song officially released on the internet though.
I lean forward on the railing, listening to the different melodies of each song from each of the bands all until Ghost is about to come on. That's when I send my full attention to the stage.
When all of Ghost is on the stage the crowd goes absolutely nuts. Screaming and yelling fans are everywhere around me.
It's so nice hearing the excitement of everyone else in this place to enjoy the art of music.
I smile and they begin their firsts song, "From the Pinnacle to the Pit." One of my favorites. Singing every word, I start jumping around letting all of my excitement from the day out.
Everything about the concert is amazing, from the way they interact with their fans, to just the stage presence in general.
Right before their last song, Papa E looks me in the eyes, "This next song is dedicated to a very lovely girl I met outside today. Allison, this is for you. This song is called Circle. "
I smile like a madman and feel a slight blush creep it's way onto my cheeks.
After Circle ended, Ghost bid farewell to the fans, and the fans hesitantly filed out of the venue.
Well, those of which who didn't have a backstage pass.
I felt my hands shaking as I go to the door where we’re supposed to wait to meet the band. I notice that there is only five other people who have VIP,  so this should be a relatively calm fan meeting.
After about thirty minutes the nameless ghouls and finally Papa E, walk out of the door all dressed in black while Papa is in his iconic monochrome suit.
I'm the last person on line for meeting them so I patiently wait. I can't help but smile at seeing how friendly they are with their fans. It's a rarity for that now days.
Finally, it's my turn to meet the boys. I ask if they could sign my jacket, which they all in turn agree to.
As my jacket gets passed down the line, it goes to Papa last and he gives me a heartwarming smile "Ah, it's Allison. It's nice to see you again. Did you enjoy the show?"
I smile back, "The show was amazing, one of the best I've ever been too."
He finished signing my jacket then hands it back to me, and slips me a note as well. "That's good to hear."
He then leans down and whispers in my ear, "Don't open the note until you get home please."
I nod.
"Have a good night!" they all waved as I walked out of the venue.
Well, that was one eventful day.
I walk over to the Wendy's to get into my car and go home.
Turning my keys to start the ignition, I turn on the headlights and back out of the parking space, then drive home.
The car ride is actually not that bad, there is hardly any traffic. After getting home I pull into the driveway and get out of my car.
I then head inside, and grab myself some cold pizza and a bottle of water then go to my room. Setting my food and drink in my nightstand, I take off my jacket, look at the signatures and smile thinking of all the things that happened today.
I turn on my tv and start watching Ridiculousness on MTV, while eating my food. After about an hour of watching tv, I remember the note Papa E gave me.
I take the note out my pocket and read it.
~Dearest Allison,
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to come and see our concert. Meeting you was a pleasure, you're such a dear. If anytime you need something or just want a person to talk to send me a text or give me a ring at xxx-xxx-xxxx. I entrust this with you in hopes you won't give it out, so please don't break my trust. I hope you got home safely and sleep well.
With Eternal Love,
Papa Emeritus III~
I smile at the note, he's so nice, and such a gentleman.
I quickly type in Papa's number into my phone. Maybe I'll give him a text tomorrow, tonight's too late.
Standing up from my bed I change from my everyday clothes into my pyjamas and get under the duvet, getting ready for a night's sleep, until Richie walks in.
He rubs his eyes tiredly, "Sissy?"
I walk over and hug him, "Yeah, what is it?"
"I had a dream and you died, are you gonna die?"
Smiling a little, I answer, "I don't plan on dying anytime soon, trust me."
Richie nods, then leans on me almost falling asleep while standing up. I sigh then carry him back into his room where I tuck him under the covers.
"Goodnight, little one."
I go back into my room and lay down again letting sleep take over me.

I've Dreamed Of You, My DearWhere stories live. Discover now