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I'm in a peaceful slumber. In a meadow of flowers just about a mile in diameter surrounds me. I take in a deep breath and enjoy how calm everything is.
Dreams have never been this calm before, not since my dog, Stitch, whom I always used to cuddle up with at night, died about 10 years ago when I was 13.
Things stay this way, birds softly singing, a light breeze swaying the trees. I smile taking in the entirety of it all.
My alarm then goes off, scaring me awake in the process.
I groan in annoyance, “Man, that was a good dream.”
With a sigh I push the covers off of my body and get ready for a long day of work at a small diner.
I grab my work uniform out of my closet then get dressed.
Walking out of my room I survey the hall and notice in the only one up. Which makes sense, who wants to be up at four in the morning anyways?
I laugh to myself then head over to the kitchen so I can have a small breakfast of some strawberries before I head off to work.
Pulling into the parking lot, I realize I have about ten more minutes until I actually have to be at work so I sit in my car and listen to the radio. 106.7 KBPI to be exact.
Rammstein’s “Du Hast” is playing and I can't help but headbang a little and sing along.
I could care less about the strange looks I'm getting from the people around me, I'm enjoying myself so they can screw off.
When the song ends I turn off my car and head to the entry of my work place.
I give a small nod of acknowledgment to my boss then head to the back room to grab my notepad and pens to take orders.
The day is going slow, not many customers, so I decide to take my lunch early at 11:15am.
I grab a small plate with pancakes on it and thank the cook. He only nods in response then goes back to work.
Sitting down at a small table in the back corner of the diner I start to eat. Halfway through my lunch I remember the note that Papa Emeritus had given to me and send him a text.
Allison: Hey, um, it's me, Allison from the Denver show last night, I doubt you remember me but you said to send you a text if I want someone to talk to and my day is kinda dragging on so I figured I'd text you. Sorry if I'm bothering you.
I pondered over the thought of just erasing the whole thing but said screw it and pressed send anyways. After a few minutes I get a reply causing a smile to make its way into my face.
Papa: Haha, Allison, how could I ever forget someone like you? But you said that you want someone to talk to, so what's up?
Allison: Nothing much is going on. Hours have felt like days though at work, and I'm bored.
Papa: Sorry to hear that, hopefully I can help alleviate some of the boredom.
After reading the text I smile.
Papa: Anyways, how are you?
Allison: I'm ok, I'm more tired than anything.
Papa: I'm the same, a bit disappointed that we aren't having this conversation in person.
Allison: Agreed, it would be nice to see you again. You're still on tour, right?
Papa: We are, but we're on a break, so we decided to stay in Denver for a bit. That means if you want to hang out anytime this week I would be more than happy do do so with you.
I feel myself starting to blush again, then I notice it's time for me to get back to work so I frantically type out a reply.
Allison: That would be nice, sadly I have to go back to work now. I'll text you later if I can.
With that I turn off my phone, put it in my back pocket, then continue with my work.
Around three o’clock, my father walks in for his usual “lunch” break. I happily stride over and take his order. I of course know what it's going to be already but I ask what he wants anyways.
Giving the order to the chefs, I then return with my father's drink in hand and sit it in front of him. He thanks me then wave his hand in a shooing motion.
“You have other work to do, don't just waste time being my waitress, help the other.” He speaks in a somewhat lecturing tone.
I laugh, “You sound like my boss, but my shift is over anyways. I've just been staying later to try and gain a better relationship with my colleagues.”
Dad just nods, then stares wide-eyed at the tray of good going his way. I step aside and let the other waiter take care of my father's needs.
I turn in my time card for the week and hop into my car. Before leaving I decided to shoot Papa Emeritus a text, saying that I'm off work.
Driving down the busy boulevard I hear by phone buzz, which causes me to look down at it. When I look back up I see a car turning in front of me while I have the green light.
I quickly slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the car, luckily I manage to avoid it entirely and start my drive back home again, not allowing myself to get distracted again.
Making it home safely, I check my phone seeing who texted me. As I suspected, it was Papa. “Goddamn it Papa, you almost made me get in a car accident.” I laugh to myself and read the text while walking in the house to my room.
Papa: Thank Lucifer, I was getting bored with no one to talk to.
I find it cute, it seems as if he was actually waiting to talk to me. I decide to be a pain and tease him a little.
Allison: So you actually missed me?
Papa: Of course I did. You're the first can that I've ever met that doesn't treat me as if I'm a God, and plus you're really nice to talk to. 
Allison: oh, but I mean, you still are just a regular person even with you being famous. So I figure why not treat you as such.
Papa: True, true. So how was your day, love?
Allison: It was the most boring day ever, I hated it. The only nice thing was when I got to text you and see my dad. And will you please stop with the nicknames?
Papa: Why should I?
Allison: Because I'm not a dear, or someone to love.
Papa: Well, I think you're a dear, and I'm also very sure that at least someone loves you, so I think that's reason enough to give you those nicknames.
Allison: I'm not going to argue with you. Anyways, how was your day, Emeritus?
Papa: It was quiet, I managed to get some writing done for new songs. Other than that I mainly just relaxed.
Papa and I continue our conversation until the late hours of the night.
I yawn tiredly and get into some sweatpants and a tank top. I try to keep texting Emeritus for a while longer, but I can't easily keep my eyes open anymore.
Allison: Hey Emeritus, I think I'm gonna go to bed, I'm really tired. Feel free to text me anytime tomorrow if you want though, night.
I got a reply shortly after.
Papa: Goodnight Allie, sleep well.
I smile and snuggle into the covers drifting into a light sleep.

I've Dreamed Of You, My DearWhere stories live. Discover now