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A loud dinging noise goes off by my head. Grumbling I sit up and see it's my alarm going off, and it's 4am I push the dismiss button and lay back down trying to recall a time when I set an alarm for this early. Not remembering when I ever did that, I get out of bed and go across the hall to Tobias’ room. I knock on the door a few times and wait to get a reply. Hearing the doorknob turn I tilt my head to the side once the door is opened.
“Why was there an alarms set for four in the morning? It's too damn early.” I complain leaning forward resting my head on Tobi's shoulder.
“Well good morning to you too, sleepy head.” he strokes my hair, “But to answer your question, today is the day we leave for tour, so I figured I would set an alarm to wake you up.”
My eyes widen in disbelief, “Really? I thought we still had another day.”
“We did,” he pauses, “yesterday. You slept all day though.”
I furrow my eyebrows, “You know you could have woken me up right?”
Tobias pulls me into his room and sets me on his bed as he gets changed into something other than no shirt and sweats, “I know, but you looked so peaceful and I didn't want to disturb you.”
I look down at my clothes and realize they're not what I wore to the mall when we went. I'm now just in an oversized t-shirt and basketball shorts,which is not something I would choose to wear myself.
“So what you're saying is that you didn't want to disturb me, but yet you somehow managed to change my clothes without waking me up?” Confusion laces my voice as I speak.
“I actually didn't change your clothes. You did. I event to go bring you some water if you were to wake up and need it.” He says sitting next to me with his new change of clothes on, “But when I got back you were in new clothes, that were stolen from me I might add. However, they do look good on you.” he winks.
“Wow, I must have been really tired. I guess traveling really does take a lot out of you.” I conclude.
Tobias nods, “We have about twenty minutes until we leave to meet with the others and board the bus, so if you plan on packing anything special, or getting ready some, you might want to do it now.”
“Ok, But I don't think I need to pack anything. Also, I'm tired and it's early so I don't feel like getting all dressed up.” I say leaning back on his head hoping to let sleep consume me.
“No sleeping, you've already gotten a lot of sleep, I don't think you need more.” Tobi lectures.
“Kay dad.” I say rubbing my eyes and sitting back up.
“Quit calling me your dad, I'm not that old.” Tobias playfully growls leaning closer to me, with his hands out like he normally does when he plans on tickling me.
“Fine, you're not old. Just please don't tickle me.” I mumble.
“What was that? Tickle you?” he says inching even closer.
Scooting back grab one of his pillows and throw it at him, “Tobi, no. Stay away, no tickles.”
“But you just ruined the fun.” he pouts, then looks at the time. “It's time to go, grab your bags and meet me downstairs.”
“Yes sir.” I say giving a small two finger salute.
I get off his bed and walk back over to my room grabbing my bag the has everything packed in it, including the Emeritus teddy bear. Grabbing my bag I start making my way down the stairs, only for my foot to slip and I tumble my way down the stairs. Within seconds Tobias is at my side , as I whimper from the pain because I got my broken ribs against the edge of the stairs.
“Are you ok?” He asks extending his hand to help me up.
“I'm fine.” I say through clenched teeth.
“I know you're not, so don't lie to me. How are your ribs?” he asks moving my hand away from my side so he can gently feel if anything is broken again.
“They hurt like a mother fucker, but I'll be fine. I'm a trooper.” I respond, hissing when his hand graises over where my ribs hit.
“They're not broken again, just bruised.” he says taking my bag from me so I can focus all my attention onto not falling.
“Thank god, I do not need another hospital visit.” I mention shivering at the thought of the bleach smelling, pure white hospital rooms.
Tobias laughs, “Yep, so let's hope you don't injure yourself any more.”
“I mean, I don't try to hurt myself.” I say helping him place the bags in the car. “But things just happen, and then bam, I'm injured.”
“You have such a strange way of explaining things.” He says motioning for me to get in his car.
“So, how long is it going to take to get where we need to be to meet the others?” I question.
“You'll just have to find out how long it took when we get there.” He replies.
I think of a comeback to get him to tell me how long it'll take, “Fine, then every five minutes in going to ask, ‘are we there yet?’”
“Anything but that.” He turns, the stereo on letting the local radio station play through the speakers of the car, “How about I give you control over the radio, and then you won't ask that?”
“Fine.” I puff out my cheeks.
“Why do you seem so grumpy about that? I’m giving you control over the radio.” He asks.
“I’m grumpy because I want to be a pain and continuously ask you if we’re there.” I say flatly.
Tobias pulls to a stop at a stop sign, “Well, it’s either you ask ‘are we there yet’ or you get to control the music we listen to.”
“You already know what I choose so.” I trail off hooking my phone up to the stereo with the aux cord.
“What do you plan on playing?” He asks taking the on ramp to the highway.
I shake my head and scroll through my list of many songs, “I’m not telling.”
I finally choose to just put my music on shuffle and let my phone choose what plays. The first few songs that play are fairly appropriate, like Marilyn Manson’s Kill4Me and Rob Zombie’s Dragula. However, one certain song popped up and caused me to blush like a madman. The song was Everywhere I Go by Hollywood Undead.
“Holy shit!” I yell quickly changing the song, “I do not remember ever getting that...Next song.”
Tobi begins to laugh his ass off, “I had no idea you listen to shittywood undead.” He says insulting the band.
“I actually don’t, I hate them with a burning passion, because all they talk about is sex and drugs.” I say rolling my eyes at the childish topics they choose to talk about, “But Sophia and I shared a music account and she was a mega fan of them, so that’s why I have their songs on there.”
“Ah, I see.” He says, then looks over towards me as he takes the off ramp of the highway, “Well, you look flustered.”
“I know, it’s just because of the song and yeah.” I trail off, turning awkward.
“Oh. So Allie?” Tobias grabs my attention.
“Are we there yet?” he asks making his voice higher pitched like a girl's.
“How am I supposed to know?” I retort, “You haven't even told me where we're going.”
“I was just messing with you, jeez.” his tone softens, “No need to get grumpy.”
I look down, not proud of how I acted, “I know, and I'm sorry. I'm just grumpy when I'm tired.”
We then pull into a parking space at a lot that holds tons of tour busses. Tobias and I get out of the car with our bags and I follow him to a bus that is black with a light blue stripe along the side of it.
“So this is going to be our new home on the road?” I ask watching as he pulls out the keys for the bus and opens the door bringing our bags inside it.
“Yep, I got the best one we could afford with the tour budget.” He says walking down the hall where the bunks are located, “If I were you, I would pick a bunk now before the others get here.”
I nod and pick the bunk under his, as he chooses the top bunk on the left side of the hall, “When should we expect the others to be here?”
“Any minute now actually.” Tobi replies helping me get my bunk set up.
A chorus of five people's footsteps fill the bus, “The party has arrived!” one of the people yells.
“Tobias! Where are you?” I hear another ask as they come down the hall, when they spot Tobi and I, he stops walking. “Hey, I thought you were bringing along a new bass player, not your girlfriend.”
“I did bring along the new bass player though.” Tobi defends.
“Yeah!” I chime in, “And I'm not his girlfriend.”
The man laughs and introduced himself as the person who is going to replace Alpha.
“Uh huh, sure.” Alpha holds out the ‘u' in sure then walks away.
This is going to be one long tour, especially if the teasing continues.

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