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After scouting out the place, I walk past the green room where Air and Tobias are still talking. Hearing mumbling coming from in the room I can't help but let my curiosity get the best of me, so I listen in.
“So when are you going to ask it then?” Air asks Tobias.
“I don't know.” Tobias sighs, “Probably sometime soon because not asking about it has been hard as hell.”
Air laughs, “I can tell. Allie told me how you got interrupted by the pyro and how you reacted. I had to try really hard to not bust up laughing.”
“Wow Air, thanks.” Tobias snaps sarcastically “I'm gonna go now and see what Allie's doing.”
“Oh shit.” I whisper to myself trying to walk away from the door, only to get hit by it.
I hear Tobi curse under his breath then hurries to see if I'm ok.
“I'm fine, I'm fine.” I say brushing his hand off my shoulder. “I just wasn't expecting the door to fly open as soon as I walked by it.”
He frowns “I know, I'm sorry for hitting you with the door.”
“It's fine. So can I come in the green room, or are you guys talking about something top-secret?” I ask placing air quotes around the words ‘top-secret.’
Air pops his head through the open door, “Nope, nothing top-secret. So you can come in if you want.”
I smile, “Yay!” then run and jump on the couch.
Tobias laughs and shakes his head at how childish I'm being, “Why do you act like a kid all the time?”
I shrug, then start thinking, “I was going to say that I don't know, but I actually do, and the reason is actually kinda sad.”
“Are we allowed to know the reason?” Air asks for Tobi and himself.
I ponder over the thought and give in, “So as Tobias knows, I never had the ‘best' upbringing. I was abandoned by my mother at a young age and put through various foster homes. With that having happened, I never really had time to experience a real childhood. So, due to that, I tend to act like a child a little more than others might.”
The both just bid before one of them pipes up.
“Well, feel free to act like a kid all you want around us. We don't mind, it's actually quite nice to see.” He shrugs, “It's amusing.”
“Thanks, I guess.” I say walking to the door, “I'll be back.”
Bringing up the things from the past made me start thinking of other stuff, and I felt like I needed to get away from the others. Walking into the bathroom, I close the door with a sigh and walk over towards the mirror.
The girl I once knew who was always sad, who was used to always wait for the perfect timing to say her last goodbye is gone. That's not me anymore. Now, I'm Allie James, a girl who feels she has purpose in life.
I look over myself, my once dyed purple and silver hair now back to my natural blonde. The once ivory complexion I had, now has hints of rose and life to it. The part that changes most about me though, were my eyes. The once dull and murky looking orbs, now shine with hope.
Everything has changed now, and it's for the better. I'm touring in a band with great people, I have really amazing friends and family to back me up, and I am actually sincerely happy.
Smiling to myself, I walk put it the restroom and back into the green room.
“Someone's in a cheery mood.” Alpha comments.
“Jesus Christ, what were you doing while you were gone?” Earth teases.
“Yes, I am cheery, and I didn't do anything of what you're thinking of Earth.” I say taking a seat next to Tobias as he wraps his arm around me.
We all sit around and chat for hours until it's almost time to perform.
“What's the set list?” I ask going over to the mirror and putting back makeup around my eyes.
Omega sneaks up next to me, “Square Hammer, From the Pinnacle the the Pit, Secular Haze, Con Clavi Con Dio, Per Aspera Ad Inferi, between this and the next song papa talks to the crowd about the sisters of sin, Body and Blood, Devil’s Church, Cirice, Year Zero, He Is, Absolution, Mummy Dust, Ghuleh, Ritual, Birds and Bees talk, and Monstrance Clock.” he answers.

“Ok, thanks.” I smile and finish putting black where ever the mask doesn't hide.

Nodding Omega begins walking off to get ready. I place my makeup into a little baggy then walk over to my costume then taking it into a side room to get changed away from the guys. Straightening out my outfit I walk out of the room and back where the others are.
A whistle is heard coming from the direction of where Earth is standing. I feel my cheeks heat up, and Tobias, who is now in his papa mask, gives him a death glare.
“I would back off of I were you, she is a fine looking ghoulett, but I think Tobi has called dibs.” Alpha says placing a hand on my shoulder.
I laugh off what he says and sit on the little stool resting next to the couch.
“Ten minutes until show.” A crew member says popping his head into the door.
We all stand up, and is ghouls put on out masks, then head to side stage. As time get closer to going on stage I start feeling more and more nervous.
Tobias spots this then walks over to me, “You're going to do great and nothing bad is going to happen. I promise.”
He kisses the forehead of my mask and pats my back as I wait for my cue to go on stage.

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