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"Everyone, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing." A flight attendant speaks over the intercom.
Doing as told I buckle up then grab on the armrests preparing myself for the turbulence that is yet to come. When the plane starts shaking slightly my grip on the tests tightens and I feel my breath quicken.
Filling my thoughts with pleasant ones I manage to calm myself as the plane hits the runway. All the passengers are dismissed from the plane, and then grab their carry-on luggage before going to the larger luggage belt.
Being one of the last few people off the plane, I quickly grab my things and text Tobias to see where he is. My phone bings and it's a text from Tobi telling me he's at the East side doors.
Getting to the doors I spot him in his classic black and white striped shirt. I smile as the 'Striped Sweater' song from SpongeBob makes it way into my head.
Tobi spots me walking towards him and smiles meeting me halfway with a bone crushing hug.
"I missed you too." I pat his back, "But I can't breathe, and ribs."
He lets go and scratches the back of his neck, "Sorry dear, I just missed you and feeling your presence in my arms."
I smile, grabbing my bags and follow Tobi to where he parked his car, "To be totally honest, I've missed being held by you and just being in your company in general."
Once we reach the car Tobias takes my bags from my hands then gives me the keys, "Take these and start up the car, when I'm don't putting your bags in here I'll be in there and we can be on our way home."
I nod and do as told. Taking the keys from his hand, my fingers brush over his and I feel my cheeks flush. I gently shake my head and get in on the passenger side, placing the keys in the ignition to ready for when Tobi enters. Shortly after I place the keys in Tobias gets in the car.
"So, when does tour start?" I ask resting my head on my hand.
"Two days." He confirmed, "So I hope that you practiced at least some while you were in Denver."
"I did, I practiced almost everyday." I assure him turning my attention to out the car window.
I hear a hum come from Tobi, and begin to zone out.
"Home sweet home." Tobias says pulling into the garage. "Now, before you go into the house I have a request for you."
I turn my head to face him, "Ok...What's this 'request' you speak of?"
"Just put this on," he starts while holding out a blindfold to me which I hesitantly take then he continues. "and we will do from there because of I say anything more I might give the surprise away."
Groaning, I reply, "I hate surprises."
"I know, and that's what makes this even more of a special surprise."
"Oh you're an ass." I retort.
Tobi crossed his arms, "Ok Ms Snappy Pants, I get it you don't like surprises, but I know you'll like this one. Please put the blindfold on now, or else I'll keep you from going into the house."
I furrow my eyebrows then tie the blindfold around my eyes so I can't see anything.
I hear Tobias get out of the car then opens my side door, guiding me into the house. As my feet meets the hard wooden floor the sound of classical music reaches my ears.
"Is this a damn date type thing?" I ask clinging into his hand hoping I don't lose my bearings and fall.
"I'm not telling." Tobi replies in a sing-song tone of voice.
Huffing, I allow him to continue guiding me around the house until we come to a room, that if I remember the floor plan correctly, is his studio.
I feel the blindfold loosen around my eyes and I'm finally allowed to see. My eyes lay upon a Meloria Nameless Ghoul uniform, along with the mask.
"Welcome to the band Allie." Tobias says with a huge childish grin on his face.
"Damn, I love it." I rave. "You really did have me fooled for a second though, I thought you had something date-ish planned instead of this."
He takes my hand in his and pulls me along with him, "Who said I didn't?"
My mouth drops as we enter the kitchen. The table is set with black candles, and a crimson tablecloth. While a plates elegantly packed with food rest upon the placemats, one on each side of the table, and cups filled with wine sit off to the side of the plates. In shock from how gorgeous the setup is, I struggle to form a coherent thought.
"So is this what you had to deal with earlier?" I say once I collect myself.
Tobias smiles and nods then brings me to the table, pulling it my seat for me before sitting down himself. "Do you like it?"
"I don't like it, I love it." I respond. "Can we eat now, I'm hungry and the food looks great."
Tobias laughs, "Yes, we can eat now."
I cheer and dig in.
Our meal is spent with chatter about how things went for the both of us while I was gone. Tobias talked about how far he is with the writing process, and I mentioned how I saw Sophia's dad.
He gave me a sad half smile, and I change the subject, "How long did it take for you to do all of this?"
"The decorations didn't take too long." He nods I The direction of the stove, "The food, however, took about two hours."
"Wow, that's some dedication." letting out a small laugh I continue, "You really didn't have to do this for me."
"I know I didn't have to." Tobi clarifies, "But I wanted to."
"You really are a truly great person Tobias." I reach over the table and hold his hand. "How did I ever become so lucky to ever have you in my life, because you're all that could have ever wanted in someone that I hold close."
"If you have ghosts you have everything?" Tobi asks quoting one of the cover songs he did.
"Maybe." I say going along with him.
We finish up eating and Tobias takes our plates and puts them in the sink to be done as dishes later.
"Hey Allie?" He ask getting my attention.
I hum in response and look over towards him.
"I want to ask you something." He says walking over to where I'm sitting.
I tilt my head to the side, "What is it?"
Leaning down, making his face level with mine causing me to blush and he smirks. "You know what, nevermind. I'll ask you this later."
"What? Why won't you tell me now?" I whine.
"Because I don't think it's the right time to ask." He says straightening himself and wrapping his arms around my neck.
I lean black into his torso, "You're mean." I grumble.
"No I'm not, because I'm not never going to ask you what I want to. I will soon enough." I open my mouth to speak, but Tobi starts again. "Just not now."
Sighing, I realize it's pointless to continue arguing with him and rise up from my seat.
"Hey, where are you going?" Tobias whines sticking out his bottom lip.
"The living room. I'm gonna watch some tv." I say walking out of the room.
I hear the pitter patter of feet following me shortly after I leave the kitchen and fell Tobias' arms wrap around my waist preventing me from walking any further than halfway down the hall. I place my hands on top of Tobi's, and he puts his head in the crook of my neck. "Why exactly are you keeping me from going to the living room?"
I hear him hum an "I don't know" as he picks me up and carries me bridal style in to the living room, dropping me on the couch. "What did you have in mind to watch?" he questions while using the remote to search through the channels.
"South Park?" I suggest laying my head on his thigh.
"Sure." He says selecting South Park, and leaning back in his seat.
The episode goes on, until once again, Kenny gets killed.
"Oh my god, they killed Kenny. You bastards." I recite, just as it's said in the show causing Tobias to laugh.
"I really missed this." He says playing with my hair. "It was so boring when you were gone."
"Oh you poor baby." I tease. "You must have died without me."
"I did." He lays his head back and sticks his tongue out pretending to be dead.
"Nooooo! Tobi!" I fake yell while sitting up and cupping his cheeks with my hands.
He just lays there and still doesn't do anything, thinking of things to do to make him stop playing dead my mind lands on a certain thing.
"I can't believe I'm going to this." I mumble leaning my face closer to him then place my lips upon his in a kiss.
He immediately reacts by returning the kiss and wrapping his arm around me.
I pull away, but remain in his embrace. "You're not dead anymore." I smile finishing my sentence.
Tobias lays us both down on the couch cuddling me into his torso. "Yep, but maybe I should play dead more often."
I scoff, "I hope you know, it's not going to work all the time." Tobias gives puppy eyes, "Nope," I gently poke his lip, "that puppy dog face isn't going to work on me either."
He huffs then turns his attention back to the tv, "Fine."
I giggle, and start watching the tv again. We both watch in a comfortable silence, which is broken when the episode ends and I speak up.
"You want to know what sounds fun?" I say sliding off the couch and onto the floor, "Another late night trip to the store."
"I don't think that would be the greatest idea Allie." Tobie replies.
"But is seems fun." I whine holding out the "u" in fun.
"But I don't think we should do it." He mimics the way I said my last sentence.
"Come on, let us do something fun before going on tour which limits how much we can do." I persist.
Tobias grins, "We are still not doing a late night store run later, no matter how much you try to persist. Unless of course, you give me a kiss."

I pretend to think and place my hand on my chin. "Um, how about no?"
"Then we won't make a late night run to the store." He finalizes.
"If we can't go to the store, then can we go to the mall?" I inquire finding a loophole in his way of thinking.
"I guess, but just later." Tobias says frowning, realizing the flaw in his plan.
I grin and start to cheer, "Yay! I get to go to the mall!"
"And the child side of you is back again." He murmurs.
I yawn, stretching my arms up in the air which causes my shirt to ride up exposing my stomach and bandaged ribs, "It's only because I'm tired."
Tobi leans close to me then pokes my stomach and falls back on the couch laughing quietly.
"And how exactly was poking my ribs funny?" I question slightly tilting my head to the side showing my curiosity.
He shrugs, "I don't know, it just was."
"You're a weirdo." I state laying back down on the couch, using Tobi as a pillow once again and close my eyes, "I'm gonna take a nap because fuck jetlag. Wake me up when you want to go to the mall."

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