Chapter 4: Realization

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Word count: 1,106 words

"You're already in-love with him"

Namjoon was lost for words. He couldn't utter anything. When Baekhyun was telling Namjoon what he has observed, Namjoon was flustered, because he had no idea that he was giving himself-or rather his emotions out, especially not to his hyung.

"Lost for words I see. Hahahah. That's OK, it's natural" Baek said giving Namjoon-who was staring at his drink- sometime to absorb the things that he has said.

When Namjoon was just training in BigHit, there are times that Namjoon would just call Baekhyun to meet and talk about things.Being the helpful hyung he has labeled himself to be, Baekhyun would go and talk to him. And during those times, he couldn't help but notice that Namjoon was very fond of a guy named Kim Seokjin, and he would talk about him for hours, if not for days. And as time went by, he was able to see the changes in the way how Namjoon speaks about Jin. From being fond with Jin, to complimenting Jin, to talking about how Jin makes BTS life's easier, to just smiling everytime he talks about Jin, and without realizing it Namjoon is starting talk about Jin like he's the most wonderful person in the world.

After sometime Baekhyun talked to Namjoon who was still staring at his drink

"Ehem, you OK?"

"Uhmm, yes hyung" Namjoon said now looking at Baekhyun but was still flustered.

"Are you sure?" Baek said eyebrows raising

" Hyung, how sure are you that I'm in-love with Jin?" Namjoon said uncertain.

"I'm not the one who should say whether or not you really are in-love with Jin. It's you. I'm just telling what I have observed from you. But you will always have the last say" Baek said sincerely at Namjoon

"But I don't know how to hyung. My mind is so messed up right now" Namjoon said frustatingly, putting both of his hands on his head and ruffled his hair.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop that" Baekhyun said stopping and removing Namjoon's hand from his head.

"Ok, I'll help you. Hmmm, let me think of something" Baekhyun said scratching his chin like he was deeply thinking about something, which he really is.

After 5 minutes of thinking Baekhyun finally said something.

"Namjoon think about this" Baekhyun paused and looked at Namjoon "What if Jin fall's in-love with someone?" Baekhyun seriously asked Namjoon whose eyes were wide open.

"What do you mean hyung?"

"Think about this Namjoon. Jin is a nice guy, he's like an older version of Taehyung, he's a social butterfly. You've seen it, I see it, all the idols see it. Jin is a gentlemen, girls try to hit on him. And let's be honest, Jin is cute, and some guys try to flirt with him.
What if one day-one day, he realizes that he likes someone and it's not you. So all the things that you and Jin do now, you can't do it anymore, because he likes someone else. What would you feel?" Baekhyun said to Namjoon. He was helping Namjoon realize his feelings. He doesn't want Namjoon to regret his decisions.

While Namjoon in the other hand was lost for words-again. He really didn't think about it that way. YES, he has seen women flirt with Jin. YES, he has also seen men eyeing Jin. But, he hasn't thought about Jin falling for someone. Yeah, What if Jin falls in-love with someone? What will happen to BTS? What will happen to Him (Namjoon)

Will it mean no more hugs? No more latenight talks? Does it mean that Jin won't sleep with me in my bed? No more cuddles?

Without realizing it, Namjoon shouted "NO!" and punched the table. Causing the table to shake. But thankfully, they were the only ones left in that cafe now, except for the staff who wasn't paying attention to them.

"Woah, chill Joon. Calm down" Baekhyun said to Namjoon and made him sit down before someone notices them "Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out" Baekhyun instructed Namjoon, which Namjoon gladly followed.

"S-sorry Hyu-hyung" Namjoon said stuttering but was already calm.

"It's OK, I understand. But what made you react so strongly?" Baekhyun asked concerned. He waa having doubts on whether or not he should continue talking to Namjoon about Jin, or to continue it some other time.

"It's kinda embarrassing hyung" Namjoon said blushing keeping his head down.

"Dude, seriously? Now is not the right time to be embarrass. You literally just showed me a scary side of you, minutes ago" Baekhyun said to Namjoon assuringly.

"Well, I was thinking about what you said. What if Jin did fall for somebody else. Will it mean that we can't hang out like we used ? Or sleep in the same bed? Or hug each other when we want to? Or cuddle when we want to? This thoughts keep running in my mind hyung" Namjoon said still looking down

"And?" Baek asked wanting to hear something from Namjoon


and I don't want that Hyung" Namjoon said, not realizing that a tear fell from his eyes.

"I...I don't want Jin to love someone else. Wha...what if I...I can't hug him anymore? What i...if I can't see his a...anymore? I don't want that hyung" Namjoon said now crying and stuttering. Just thinking about not seeing Jin's smile broke his heart, what more if it really happens.

Baekhyun was heart broken seeing Namjoon crying. Namjoon was like a younger brother to him, seeing him crying made him want to cry as well. But he was kind of happy, Namjoon's tears means that his emotions towards Jin was REAL and STRONG.

When Namjoon stopped crying and was already calm, he raised his head and looked at his hyung. He saw his hyung with an understanding and concerned look.

"It's OK Joon, I understand. Do you now realize what you have to do then?" Baekhyun asked Namjoon.

"Yes. But hyung, what if Jin rejects me?" Namjoon asked Baekhyun

"If Jin rejects you. Just remember this...

"The chances that you didn't take now are the things that you will forever regret not taking"

But what Namjoon didn't notice was that Baekhyun had a problem of his own. Baek didn't have the heart to tell Namjoon what he was going through, not when he also has a problem of his own that he had to deal with.

So he'll just wait for the right time to tell Namjoon of his problem

A/N: Hello everyone (if there is someone whose reading this story) thank u so much for reading. 😭😭😘. Anyway's I have another account which is "TaeIsKookies". I am currently drafting a Taekook Story entitled "Back To One". There are Original.Characters in this story that you can see as well in that book, 'cause I am really lazy when in comes to thinking of new names. So you can say its a spin-off but its not, in anyway related to this story. AGAIN, TO ALL WHO ARE READING MY STORY

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