one :: i got paired to a badboy

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Chapter One

take note: unedited

"So what are you going to tell all of us?" I questioned Cass.

"Okay so here's the catch," She paused but kept on giggling. "Big news!"

"Just tell us already, Barbs," Sav, being the impatient one, told Cass impatiently.

"Okay," she said cheekily. "Are you ready?"

"Dammit!" Sav said and placed her palm on her chin, scowling.

"I'm so excited!" Angel chirped.

I did nothing but laugh at them, they looked so stupid and cute at the same time. These girls, what am I without them?

Duh, still Acacia, of course.

"Fine! Okay, Lyndon Evans was checking me out last night and invited me out on a date. Tomorrow, oh my god, I can't breathe," she squealed, fake-fanning herself by the use of her hands in which her nails caught my attention.

Bitch had her nails polished without me?

"You had a nail polish? And you didn't tell me?" I snapped at her.

"Oh, come on, Acay-cay! Are you not happy of me having a new boyfriend?" She feigned hurt.

"You mean your 173047th boyfriend?" Sav and Angel giggled at my sarcasm. "And stop it with the nicknames, you guys. Please."

Cass just laughed on what I said, she's not as sensitive as Angel is anyways, "I love you too, dear."

"You're so harsh, Acacia." Sav said, shoving my shoulder lightly.

"Oh, girls! What would happen if you weren't my friends? You bitches!" Angel squealed, chuckling the same angelic voice. Oh my gosh did she just swear?

"Did you just say bitch?" The three of us asked her, shocked, in unison.

"Yeah!" She chuckled again. "Bitches are female dogs, don't you think they're all so cute?"

"As expected," I sighed.

"Change the topic, please," Cass suggested, facepalming herself.

"Boys!" Sav squealed like a stupid... Oh, nevermind.

"No," I said flatly.

Sav started talking and she didn't listen to me, "So one time, Steve and I had dirty jokes and threw sexy comebacks at eachother, I felt so-"

"No don't ever mention the 'thing' that you were about to say," I cut her off.

Steve is Sav's boyfriend and they've been literally dating for 1 month. Steve, well I have to admit that he's fine so fine, looking strong and bold, but he's just not my type. Plus, he's a ladies' man, so.

"Why? Virgin ears?" Savannah laughed at my actions.

"What? No!" I snapped.

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna guess the world you're about to say!" Angel stated, "Hungry! Is that correct?"

"Nope," We all said in a flat tone.

"Aww, let me try once again," She started thinking but then we cut her trance off.

"Enough, Sweet Angel, enough," Cass told her sweetly.

"O-o-okay," She stuttered at Cass' extremely sweet voice.

"Hey, Cass and Angel?" Sav called over Cass and Angel who's literally giggling their hearts out, randomly.

The three of them started whispering to eachother, without even including me.

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