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.attempt to find(something)


We needed to survive.

We weaved in and out of trees, running through the umber ancient forest. The incense from tree sap made it's way into my willing lungs as I slowly inhaled my next breath of air. Each tree I ran under reminded me of a watchful guardian, a silent watcher of the night holding the darkest secrets of the world, if only they knew mine. My heart pulsed against my chest, strands of long dark hair sticking to my forehead, escaping from the ponytail that I had hastily tied up before we left. A soft constant tap hits my thigh, my fighting knife, the ones some of us carried attached to our belts.

Hazel trailed beside me, holding her small bag in her hands, lowering the risk of exposure compared to if it was on her shoulder, hitting her body loudly as she ran. Her short grey hair caught the moon's glow that was also our only source of light. She moved a piece of of it behind her ear, revealing the small birthmark on her neck. A small 'Z' with two intersecting lines through the middle. A mark we both shared, one we were born with.

Our feet kissed the ground lightly as we swerved to avoid puddles and thick mud that could make us slip, and any sticks or leaves that could make a loud noise. Hazel swatted away an insect instinctively but her bold blues eyes didn't waver from her surroundings scouting out the area. Looking directly at trees and quickly glancing over others as her body readied herself for what might jump out.

At first, I thought this was going to be fun, sneaking around like some extreme 'hide and go seek' game. But no. My body hurts, my throat is burning from panting like a dog, and all I want to do is curl into a ball on the ground and sleep. Not long ago, I thought Humans only felt like this, getting exhausted and drained.

Oh, how much I was wrong.

I was surprised at how well Hazel was keeping up, Intrilights were the most mentally enhanced Origin out of the four, while speed and duration was a Veryges specialty in my case.

"Kami, do you see that?" Hazel whispered suddenly.

It took me a few seconds to realize what exactly she was looking at since I had a full 360˚ to cover, but I saw it. Up ahead was a two way split in the barely visible track we were following.

We stopped at the neck of the split. Seeing one path kept going straight, but a new track appeared, veering to the left.


I made it sound straightforward. She didn't protest against my decision, having full faith in me in these types of situations. I was the one who took action, getting things done fast and cutting straight to the point...Then looked at the consequences later. Hazel liked to look at both sides of the situation, taking a more effective path that solves problems and found the most suitable option. She is the one that often talks me out of what she calls my 'impulsive decisions', which I see as my 'intuitive decisions'.

To resolve an issue, that I more than likely started. Yes, Hazel's skills came in handy. But for having no idea where we are, well any decision could end badly.

Briefly catching our breath, our bodies bound back into action.

Hazel and I officially became stepsisters when my mother and her father, Mikhail, got married over eight years ago when we were both only nine years old. She was shorter than me back then, always wearing an oversized jacket that covered her small frame. Growing up an only child, she wasn't used to my older sister Emily and I. It took a while for us to see her face as she looked down at the ground constantly, her hair brightly shining white at us. But shortly we connected, became best friends then step sisters when our parents married, then the older sisters of our younger brother Atticus.

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