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(typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal


As my knife hit, the flag disappeared and the blurred shadow was revealed to what it truly was. It was a Zerold girl, a Morfium our age and about Hazel's height, taller than me, with long blonde hair tied neatly into a ponytail. Her eyes widened with shock and her pale lips were stained with bright red that dripped from the corner of her lips.

Her chest held the knife I threw.

As my knife hit her chest, the hold on her Veda dropped causing her clock and the flag to go with it. Her body started to collapse, her legs giving out, yet from the time she began to fall and when she hit the ground, it seemed like a lifetime.

I had just stabbed someone, and some part of me was thrilled to see it happen. As she fell everything was calm, no sound came to my ears and her eyes once wide in shock were now restful. She looked at peace as she fell.

But when her knees hit the ground, everything changed. Time sped up. Her body was forgotten as the rest of the group that stood behind her appeared and stared daggers into our souls.

There was a lot more then I had anticipated, and it was definitely a shock to Hazel. She grabbed the first vial from her bag and threw it at the nearest person instinctively because she was shocked to see how close they were already to her. The vial shattered against his chest, the liquid reacting to its surroundings making an explosion against his body. The explosion sent him flying backward until the friction of the ground halted his body to a stop, where he laid motionless with a hole in the middle of his chest from the blast.

"KILL THEM!" Someone yelled in a battle cry, and the whole group charged at us.

I instantly touched my belt, remembering I had just thrown my knife at that girl. I quickly turned to Hazel, reaching into her bag grabbing the first thing I touched and read the label.

Water Breathing

"Shit" I whispered. I went back to swap but Hazel was already nervously stumbling around for another vial, grabbing one that had something scribbled onto it, before I could see what it said, she ripped open the lid and drowned its orange essence.

A look washed over her. Casting her pervious demeanor in shame as she took on this bold, confident and daring attitude.

A small red blur caught my attention from the corner of my eye. I turned towards it, seeing a vial come directly towards my head. I was about to dodge or quickly try and catch the vial before it burst when I heard Hazel chant beside me.


She flicked her hand towards the vial, and it changed directions, being pushed to the side, running into another attacker, exploding their body backward like the previous boy until they hit the ground and stopped moving.

"Thank-" I started, but Hazel cut me off.

"Obori" Hazel enchant, conjuring a phantom blade that glowed grey and appeared in her hand. The blade looked to be made of glass but has a spirit or ghostly effect on it. See-through but still lethal, just like a sword as she charged back in a chaos of blades and blood.

I didn't have time to call her back for swapsies because two Zerold were onto me. An Intrilight accompanied with her satchel and the other a Lyorakas, with his signature tattoos of his Familia on the inside of his arm.

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