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the state of being infatuated with another person.


For most of Conditioning and Weaponry, I stared out the window, refusing to look at Ivan. I don't know why, but our conversation had hit too close to home, and we didn't even get right down into it. It was just me, and the thoughts that surround my brain that threw me off.

Jules was just as quiet next to me, even more so since the attack on Billy. He would just stare off to the side too busy caught up in his own thoughts to take in his surroundings.

I guess that's something we had in common.

One bell ring later indicated our Recess break.

Walking to the Dining room, Tibolt's steps fell in time with mine.


I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone and Tibolt picked up on it.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked, forcing a smile.

"You just looked really upset is all."

"Oh really? I guess I was just thinking." I played it off and he smiled.

"What did you get on your Defense?" He asked innocently, but my teeth snapped together. He just had to ask. I took a deep breath, knowing he was only trying to be friendly.

"I got full marks on the practical."
"Oh wow. Well done. Can't say I didn't think anything less, everyone's be saying how well you did last night. I wished I could have been there to seen it."

"Well if you were there, you probably would have been taken down."

"Well if that would've happened, I guess it would've been my honor."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Really?"

"Really." He said passionately back, not backing down from his bold statement. "Hey Kami, I was wondering." He began, changing topics. "After classes did you want to hang out in the library? I'm there most afternoons."

Since the library was the only place where the genders could interact after classes, that's where everyone went to hang out, mostly to flirt and make out behind the book racks.

The first thing that crossed my mind wasn't the answer, but the fact that he was in the library most afternoons. Sure, he had good grades but he was still Tibolt, which meant he didn't actually study while he was there.

"Shouldn't you be asking your girlfriend that question?" I inquired.

"She will be there, don't you worry. Plus I just want to hang out with you, like old times, just as friends."

I couldn't just say no. The only thing that did was a valid reason.

"I would love to," I saw him get his hopes up. "But I have Durius practice."

Then I saw his hopes fade, and it slightly pulled my heartstrings as he looked at the ground trying to muster up his next question.

"But-" I started and he looked back up at me eagerly. "Can we make a raincheck?"

A smile settled back across his lips. "Sure."

We entered the cafeteria and my eyes immediately sought out Hazel. I glanced over students heads and the cringe Junior students trying to be cool and spotted Hazel collecting food in the lunch line.

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