Working pregnant

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So in this chapter yes- you are pregnant! :) I hope you enjoy! 

Light flooded in your room and you groaned. Not today and especially not this early. Spencer was up, pulling the shades and curtains awash from the windows letting light in. 

"Spencer Walter Reid!" You groaned burying your face into a pillow. 

"Y/n, you know that we have to follow a schedule. I even let you sleep in an extra hour! Honey it's alreddy 9!" 

"9? That's not even late at all!" You said in annoyance. Spencer climbed into bed next to you. 

"How's my little buddy doing?" Spencer asked while moving his hand up and down your back in way to calm you. 

"He Or she is doing fine. But they do wish that their father wasn't such a ass and wouldn't wake their mom up." You huffed. Spencer chuckled and kissed your cheek before placing his hand on your stomach which was overlarge sense you were 6 months pregnant. 

"Hi buddy! It's daddy! How are you doing? Your mom is probably doing a great job taking care of you and I can't wait to meet you in exactly 6 months, 3 days, 7 hours, 9 minutes, and 23 seconds." Spencer said and kissed your stomach through the fabric of your shirt. 

"How do u even know how much longer I'll be preg! I don't even know that! I only know the due date." You said, as Spencer wrapped his arms around you. 

"Well I guess you need me to figure out how much more you have to go before we see he or she." Spencer said stroking  your back. 

"That's way too much work!" You groaned in annoyance. 

"And so are you." Spencer teased kissing the tip of your nose. 

You put the tv on the news. Some baby was missing and the BAU had been called in. And you weren't there. 

"Today I'm going to work!" You called and got up, grimacing. 

"Wait what? Why!" Spencer asked chasing after you. 

"It's not safe!" He yelled. 

"Hey, I'll be fine!" you said and began to change just like that. Spencer ran off to get dressed muttering. 

"Y/n, I swear if you get hurt I will literally never forgive myself!" Spencer said and you drive to the FBI building in Quantico. 

"Spencer I'll be fine!" You assured him. 

"Can you guarantee that?" He asked as he pulled in the parking garage. 

"Yes of course!" You said and kissed Spencer on the cheek hopping out of the car. 

You grabbed your bag and hurried to the BAU. 

"I'm here!" You called rushing into the conference room. 

"Y/n! OML!" Penelope squeezed you in a hug and squealed. 

Spencer walked in and all of the guys crowded around him talking and the girls did the same for you. 

"It's so nice to see you again here! I mean Ik you hold parties every Saturday at your house so we can see you all but here!" JJ hugged you. 

"It's so nice to see you too! I'm going to work on the case actually. But I have to stay here with Penelope and all." 

"You actually let her come?" Emily asked Spencer. 

"She has a mind of her own. I tried to stop her but literally she just doesn't care." He grumbled. 

"Pshhhhh," you coughed. After they filled u and Spencer on the kids who were showing up suffocated after rape and torture the rest of the team went to drive off. The poor baby was out there waiting.  A baby. Not the normal 4 or 5 year old but a 2 year old. Spencer waited and Penelope winked leaving. 

"Y/n, please be carful. I do not want to see your beautiful face anywhere on the field. Please just stay with Penelope." He whispered, brushing his thumb over my cheek. 

"Stop being such a worry wart!" You laughed, kissing Spencer's cheek. 

"Y/n, I'm being serious! I can't risk you when your pregnant. God dammit it even when your not pregnant I worry. So please honey." He said and you saw the worry in his face.

"Spencer," you said, stroking his cheek. Listen your the one who has to be careful!" 

"Y/n." Spencer half groaned. 

"I'll be ok. I'll be with Pen. Now go find that baby and bring him back safe." You said and gave him a big hug. He hugged back, and then lifted you up so you were face to face. He pressed his lips to yours softly. 

"Pretty Boy, Pretty girl, Emily wants you both to...." Morgan stopped as he saw us. 

"Literally go find a room," He chuckled. 

"Derek Morgan!" You shook your head and Spencer set you down. He kissed the top of your head, letting go of your hand. He left with Morgan who started to whisper to him making him blush. You trudged down to Penelope's lair and the battle against crime started. 

Did ya like it? DID U LOVE IT? 😂 Comment for a part 2 and ur wish is my command. Also HAPPY TURKEY DAY! I will post a thanksgiving themed chapter tm to Saturday! Also who else is going Black Friday shopping? Me and my boyfriend have it all planned out. :) THX FOR READING. If u read this whole thing Comment "I read it all!" 

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