#23 - The Start

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Chapter 23 - The Broken Sky's Greed


And that's when they all marched out of the house. Tsuna smiled at the scene with joy. He was so happy that there isn't any right words to explain how truly happy he is...

But..Tsuna still worried. Will they be fine? He questioned.

Wait..Tsuna thought. He needs to have faith in them. They can win.

But, he can't help but worry. There's something. He felt something was gonna happen. Whatever it was, it made him worry. Should he go to? No...




"This is it..." The family walks through the school's open gates with a mix of emotions boiling in them. Was their training enough? They questioned.

"We're ready." Hiroshi said, with his chin up, feet apart and hands curled into fist. His confidence shocked the group, but they agreed.

"Haha!" Yamamoto laughed in response. "Of course we are!"

"Yeah!" Ryohei cheered in agreement. "We should have faith in our training!!"

"And our friends!" Yamamoto continues with a warm smile.

Everyone nodded in agreement, while Mukuro chuckled. "Not so sure about that though...The only reason I'm here is to get even."

"Come on, Pineapple!" Gokudera growled. "We know you agree too!"

Mukuro's ears perked up as a dangerous and deadly aura emitted  from him. Mukuro laughs eerily as he turns to glare at Gokudera with a smile.

"You shouldn't be rude to you elders, Octopus."

"Why you-!?"

Hiroshi sighs, grabbing their attention. "Guys, we're not here to fight each other. We're here to battle against the Varia."


Xanxus stands on the school grounds in annoyance. He crosses his arms while he taps his foot. Whenever someone called him, he could only glare in response.

"Ushishishi..." A giggle ran through everyone's ears. "For making a prince, such as myself, wait this long..they will pay."

"Oi brat!" Squalo called. "Shut up! You've been talking like this ever since we got here! When will shut your damn mouth!?"

"A prince doesn't take orders from peasants." The blonde replied while playing with his knives.

"Peasant!?" Squalo's eyes twitch. This entire family irritated him, like Xanxus.

"Boss, do you need anything?" A spiky haired man asked. "Food? A towel? I'll get it for you, boss!"

"Oi Levi! Stop disturbing Xanxus!" Squalo yelled, pulling Levi away from Xanxus. "As you can see, he's not in a good mood."


"Oh my god.." Squalo cursed under his breath and turned around. "Lussuria! Stop trying to braid my damn beautiful hair and do more productive stuff or whatever it is you do!"

"But braiding your hair is productive!"

"AAHHH!" Squalo screamed in irritation, waving his sword around like a mad man. "YOU DAMN BASTARDS!!"

"Oi..." A squeaky voice called. Everyone looked up, except Xanxus, to see an infant in a coat floating towards them.

"Mammon.." Squalo muttered. "Did you see anything?"

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