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I am planning the Sky's Mystery Sequel and I've already prepared a few drafts and such

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I am planning the Sky's Mystery Sequel and I've already prepared a few drafts and such. So let's talk about the new book.

I'm still planning and drafting the chapters. I already have the main idea for the story and an ending I am planning to achieve. The sequel won't come out any sooner since I'm still in the planning process, but It won't be too long. I'll try to publish the book as soon as I can. So please look forward to it.

Let's talk about the schedule.

I'll be working on the sequel for the weekdays, which is Monday to Friday. On Saturday I will be editing The Sky's Mystery, since there are a lot of misspellings and grammar mistakes. (Maybe changing a few scenes.)

On Sunday, I'll be taking a break, thank you.

Here's a simplified Schedule:

Monday to Friday: Working on the Sequel.
Saturday: Editing The Sky's Mystery.
Sunday: Break. (Thank the lords.)

After I am done editing The Sky's Mystery, I will work on the sequel on Saturday as well.

If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll be holding a QnA (Question and Answer.) If you guys want.

Thank you for reading, "The Sky's Mystery."

Thank you for the support and I hope you guys enjoyed.

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