(EXTRA) Epic Prank

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EXTRA: Epic Prank


A man crept around the mansion in the middle of the night. He tried his hardest not to make a single sound as he headed for his destination. He smirked evilly, just thinking of his nefarious plan was almost satisfying enough, but he had to execute the plan. He was in front of a familiar door and touched the door's knob. The man took a key out of his pocket and his smirk became larger.

He pushed the door open as softly and gently as he can. After entering the room, he saw a man. A man sleeping on the bed in his sleeping attire. He was sleeping so peacefully, it made the mysterious man angrier.

"Kufufu...It is time..Hibari Kyoya." Mukuro crawled his way over to the Hibari in a slumber. He smirked as he took a permanent marker out of his pocket. "Kufufu..." He laughed softly.

"Your not gonna get away with what you had done to me before..All that humiliation.."

Mukuro gets flashbacks as he gets teary eyed. He remembered the time when his hair was tied into twin tails, shoving him into a trash bag and the other time when the entire family pulled a prank on him, but Hibari always had the big role in it. It's time for his revenge.

"Kufufufu...Kuhaha!" Mukuro quickly slammed his hand onto his mouth when saw Hibari squirm. Mukuro mentally sighed in relief and wiped a sweat. This was the time.

Mukuro held the marker and aimed it at Hibari's face.

"Get rekt."

"Ah!" Mukuro yelped when Hibari's hand suddenly smacked the marker from his hand. Mukuro's eyes widened and looked at the marker, then Hibari. Hibari was definitely sleeping, he was positive of that.

Let's try again... Mukuro thought and picked the pen up again, but this time. He used his illusions and made a fishing rod with a hook. Mukuro hooked the pen once again and approached Hibari's sleeping figure.

He puts it over Hibari's face and took a deep breath.

"Get rekt take two."

"AH!" Mukuro eye's twitched as he angrily looked at Hibari, who grabbed the fishing rod's string and threw it across the room. Dammit! Mukuro mentally screamed. He is sleeping! How the hell is he doing this!?

Mukuro glared at Hibari, who was still sleeping without a care. Mukuro growled and grabbed another thing from his pocket. "Your not gonna get away from this.."

Mukuro took off the lipstick's lid and pointed it at Hibari. "Get freakin rekt, you Skylark."

"AH!" Suddenly, Hibari grabbed the lipstick and threw it on Mukuro's face. The lipstick smudging all over Mukuro's face. What the hell is this!!?

Mukuro stood up and raised his arms up. "That's it, I'm out. Bye, I hate you." Mukuro stomped his way out in anger and slammed the door shut.

Suddenly, a yawn could be heard. Hibari rose up and rubbed his eyes. "Hm?" He looked around his room, but he didn't notice anything suspicious. Hibari rubbed his head and yawned once again.

"I think I was having a dream against that pineapple..."



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