Chapter two

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I walk into the empty living room and drop myself onto the couch, thinking about what had just happened.

Was that girl actually his cousin? But he I should just shake it off. I'm sure he had a stressful day. I'm his girlfriend... I should have more faith in him.

I got up and made my way to the kitchen to prepare dinner, since he said he would be home early. Right! Today is also our anniversary, so I should make it extra special. I put the old lasagna on the table and reheat it, because I didn't want to waste it. To make up for the leftovers, I made his favorite soup for him. Opening the lid to the boiling pot, I take a whiff and ladle myself a bit. I taste test it and decide to add a bit more salt. Taste test again.


Humming my favorite tune, I set everything down on the table and cheerfully go wait for him in the living room.

He'll be surprised by this.

It's been more than 3 hours and he's still not home yet. The food is getting cold and the sky's already dark. Where is he?

Hours passed by and I was on the verge of falling asleep when my phone rang. I grabbed it quickly. Was it Mark? ..It was. I quickly answered, but at this point, I was mad - no - I was furious. I can't believe that he stood me up on our anniversary.

"Hello?" I picked up, trying not to sound angry. No answer. No reply. ...Did he butt-dial me? Looking at the phone disgustingly, my finger reached for the 'End Call' button - until I heard it. A feminine voice, and giggling.

"Sarah, (OMG THESE NAMES) stop, you're tickling me!" Wait a minute. That was Mark's voice. I gasped, eyebrows furrowing together. Sarah. That was the contact name. I wanted to scream. To yell. Say anything. I'm here. But I decided against it. Instead, I tried to keep myself silent while eavesdropping into their "secret conversation." Into this "track."

"I'm sorry, Markiepoo!!" I heard Sarah say. Oh, I couldn't agree more. He was a piece of shit alright, but nonetheless I still cringed when she said that. Disgusting.

"You're so beautiful, Sarah. Nothing compared to Ella." Mark said, as I heard giggling and laughter ensue afterwards. At this point, tears started running down my face, as I tried to choke back the sobs that were forcing themselves out of my throat. Is this really happening? Is this what he's been doing behind my back?

I couldn't stand it. I smashed the end call button and threw my phone onto the couch. I stormed my way into his room and immediately starting packed his bags, furiously shoving his belongings sloppily into his bags. I grabbed them all, opened, clothes spilling out and all, and threw them outside into the pouring rain, throwing what couldn't fit outside as well. Including his guitar. One less problem I need in my life. But as I turned back around and shut the door quietly, I realized that it hurts. It hurts a lot. I could take revenge as much as I want, but it would only be a cover. A mask to my broken heart. Walking over to the now empty, lifeless bed, I plop myself onto it and crawl into the cold sheets, bawling myself to sleep.

Sometimes, sleeping is forgetting.

Chapter two is here!! I actually don't write on wattpad, but I write on google docs and just transfer it over since the formatting is easier for me, so please bear with me if there are any mistakes <3

Okay but in all seriousness, BTS is in L.A. right now for the AMAs and other things. This whole week I've been so unproductive bc im trying to keep up with them kms. 

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