Chapter seven

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I glanced at Luke and couldn't believe he got into the game so fast. I felt a bit uncomfortable anyways.

"My first kiss was actually Mark. He kissed me about three years ago when we were sophomores." I said with sad smile. Austin hit Luke in the head.

"Why the fuck would you ask her that dumbass." He exclaimed. I just laughed and said it was okay.

"Right, so my turn. Jae, are you currently in a relationship right now?" Wow Ella, what a smooth way to ask someone you just met. Now he clearly knows I have an interest in him. Austin looked at me, smirked, and then whispered something into Jae's ear. It was probably something about me trying to hit on him or something. Austin pulled back and Jae also had a smirk on his face which was scaring me a bit.

"No, I am not currently in a relationship, but maybe I will be in the future."He said in winked. I scrunch my face up in a playful disgusted way.

"Slow your roll cowboy. I wasn't trying to come on to you." I tried to tell him. He just kept smirking and continued the game.

"Ella, what's your favorite food." Jae asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you have to ask me? Why can't you ask the boys" I asked. They all looked at me and bursted out in laughter. I looked at them like they were crazy and gave them a what the fuck face.

"Look, I'm pretty sure we - the boys- know everything about each other. We just want to get to know you better." Luke sad with a cute smile.

I understood and nodded. "Oh that sounds reasonable. Just making sure you guys aren't gonna kidnap me or something. But it that case, my favorite food would either be oysters or spaghetti bitchhh." They looked at me like I was crazy.

"OH MY GOD ME TOOO TWINZIESSSSS." Austin yelled out. I looked at him and raised a brow.

"ANYWAYS, Austin, have you ever broken a heart before?" I had to know if he was a fuckboy or not.

He looked at me and laughed. "There's too many to count Ella, too many to count." He said. Jae and Luke just nodded with agreement and looked like they were so done. Well, I guess he was a fuckboy.

I sighed and shook my head. "Damn AUstin, you gotta know that you actually hurt them . Girls are sensitive as fuck you know." I said while taking a sip of the pepsi. He just nodded and brushed off my statement.

"Okay Ella, how many times has your heart been broken, since you wanna get personal and everything." Austin said jokingly. This game is getting out of hand lowkey. Jae rolled his eyes and sighed. I think we were all getting tired of this game.

"Once. My heart has been broken twice. When Do MinJoon left Cheon Song Yi to go back to his planet," I wiped fake tears. "And when Mark cheated on me ofc course." At first the boys laughed but then the aura started to get sad which was my fault.

"Okay enough of this game, I think we know each other good enough for me to trust you guys." I said while standing up. They looked at me with a confused looking questioning where I was going.

"Weren't you guys gonna teach me a dance? Chop chop boys, I don't got all day." I said and smirked. 

Sometimes, I trust people way to quick 


hey guys!! I'm back with another update. Anyways MAMA started yesterday and I'm a bit pissed bc mnet is a snake but on the bright side, we got to see BTS perform on Jimmy Kimmel last night (: and congrats to all the artists that won their awards 

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