Chapter six

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We got into Jae's car and apparently they were just gonna take me to the studio so I could see inside the company and chill there. Coincidently I already knew my way around there and the staff were close to me as well.

"You guys do know that my ex works there right? So it wouldn't be my first time in the studio." I told them from the passenger's seat. Yes they let me sit up front with Jae (:

"Oh that's right. I forgot. Then we'll just hang in the practice rooms and hang out. Maybe I can even teach you one of our dance choreographies." Jae said and smiled at me.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Sounds fun. And you boys better not starve me. I want a large pizza when we get there." we all laughed in unison.

We were eventually at JYP and as usual I got the familiar nostalgic feeling. We all walked in and we looked like a whole damn squad. It was almost like yeah bitch I'm back how you feel type of walk.

However, I couldn't keep my badass walk for long because the staff came to greet and hug me sending their regards to the situation. I just told them it was fine and proceeded to go to the elevator.

"Hey what floor are you guys on?" I asked. Usually in JYP there's a floor for different categories of artists like boy groups, girl groups, duos, solo artists, etc.

"We're on floor 8 actually. Same as Got7 :/." Luke said. Luke and Austin weren't trainees at JYP but they were talented and hot asf so they were considered as idols too.

I hummed a response and just kept quiet. When we got to the 8th floor the doors opened and standing right in front of us was no other than Got7 besides Mark.

I walked out and looked at them with a smile.

"Noonaaaa" Bambam and yugyeom came to hug me and of course I hugged them back. Everyone looked at me with sympathetic eyes and I was getting tired of it.

"Guys, don't give me that look please. I'm fine I promise." and I tried to reassure them with a small smile.

JB was about to say something when I heard a familiar feminine voice behind them. Too familiar

"Oh my god you guys are so damn fast, like at least let me keep up. These heels are fucking killing me. We better get going before my Markie waits too long." A girl who looked pretty as fuck walked out from behind them. We made eye contact and she gave me a fake smile.

"Hi I'm Sarah. I see you know my boys." She said while sticking out her hand offering a shake. Her boys? HER BOYS? Let me just. Ok.

I faked a smile. "I'm Alyssa, nice to meet you." and shook her hand. I didn't want her to know me since I was scared she was gonna make a scene. The boys gave me a weird look and I could see Jackson in the back trying to hold in his laughter and so did I.

"Well, we better get going, I'll see you around Alyssa." and she stepped into the elevator making a motion for the boys to follow her. As they passed by me, they each gave me a small word saying things like "Clever as fuck" or "you smooth bro." When they left I turned to the other dudes who looked surprised.

"Oh my god, you handled that so well Ella." Austin said. I shrugged and followed them to a practice room. When I walked in, I could feel the sad memories hit me and I knew this was the same practice room since the floor only had one. I looked at all the posters on the walls with all the different groups and let out a small sigh.

"Ella lets order pizza since we're all hungry, and then we can play some games and teach you a dance?" Luke asked. I nodded in response still looking at the posters.

"Sounds good. Put some olives on the pizza please?" I wiped my teary eye before turning back to look at them. Luke nodded and gestured me to sit down on the floor with them before he called the pizza place.

When he was done, he came to sit with us and coincidentally we were already in a circle. We didn't really know what to do while waiting for the pizza so me and Austin were on our phones, Luke was playing a game, and Jae was napping on my lap. Yes, on MY lap. He was cute when he sleeps, I'm not gonna lie.

"PIZZAS HERE KNOCK KNOCK MOTHERFUCKERS." Luke flicked Jae in the forehead making him wake up while rubbing his aching spot. When we were all settled, we dug into the hot cheesy pizza savoring every piece.

"Hey why don't we play 21 questions so we can get to know Ella?" Austin suggested. We all nodded agreeing that it would be fun.

"So Ella, who was your first kiss?" Luke asked. Oh boy, what did I get myself into.

Sometimes, games can release true emotions :/


lol hey guys how are you. remember how I was talking about my orchestra problems and recordings? well I'm cut out of the concert for now bc I was supposed to turn in 5 recordings bu tI only turned in 4 bc I didn't learn the other ones and I'm a bit sad bc I missed rehearsal today. i just turned in two more recordings so hopefully I make it back into the concert. BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE I GOT TO WATCH BTS ON ELLEN SHOW BC I MISSED REHEARSAL BYe 

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