Chapter 14 - Talking Piece

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Sera finished the marketing campaign for Harry's new vlog the next morning. The subject was "family disputes", which was clearly drawn from his own personal issues. It was a good and fresh idea but Sera warned Harry not to expose too much about Rhea or her personal life. If she caught wind of the negative comments people posted (because there were always negative comments being posted), she would have a field day.

The release date for "family disputes" was set for next week, which meant Sera had two hours to finalize the kinks in her plan before she posted the promotional content. "It's okay," she coached herself. "You work well under pressure."

Her phone buzzed with countless messages from Jack. Sera turned the device off to concentrate on the task at hand. She couldn't let a boy distract her from her real goal. No one was going to stand in the way of her living in Toronto full-time, not even the hot bartender she had a one-night stand with. Sera didn't get a chance to tell Rhea about her tasteful journey with the hottie, mostly because of Harry, but she was excited to bring up the subject at some point.

"Fuck!" Harry's loud voice found its way to Sera's bedroom. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"What happened?" Sera called back.

"That piece of shit Domino Duke is at it again," Harry shouted. "He posted another chirp on my last vlog and it's starting some serious fights among my viewers."

"What did he write?" Sera got off her bed and went to see what all the fuss was about. Harry was working on the dining room table, cups of coffee that had been emptied out late last night had been set over piles of paperwork. His lap-top was covered with comic book stickers and a black protection case. It reflected its owner well.

"Look at this!" Harry said pointing at the screen.

Sera hovered over her roommate's shoulder and leaned in to get a better look at what he throwing a fit about. "Harresh Myerson should stop drawing comics and focus on getting a doctorate like a good little Indian boy," Her eyes widened. "Can't believe you people actually like this garbage?"

"It's already has fifteen likes," Harry dropped his head in defeat.

Sera scrolled through the comments to see what his fans thought about the stereotyping prick. "Well, at least they're correcting him," she said sympathetically reading more. "What does his ethnicity have to do with anything?"

"Yeah, but it gets worse," Harry said already aware of the outcome.

Sera took a seat and pulled the laptop towards her "Everything," another comment read. "Domino Duke is just telling it how it is."

The arguments turned hostile. "Oh my god!" Sera exclaimed. "Going for the jugular. Well, look. You can turn off the comments if you don't want to deal with him or report Domino's ass to YouTube."

Harry shut his lap-top and exhaled. "I hate dealing with this shit," he said softly. "I want to draw to keep people entertained, not give that generalizing douchebag a platform to pit people against each other."

"Come on, you've recovered from worse," Sera encouraged. "This guy is just trying to get a reaction out of you. The more attention you give it, the more power he has over you. Forget the haters and just keeping doing you, okay?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "Okay, you're right. Maybe I'll take a break from the internet and go draw at the park."

"Good idea," Sera agreed.


'Hey pretty girl, what are you doing tonight? I was thinking we could do dinner and breakfast again.' Sera laughed to herself as she finally read Jack's message. Could he want her more? Poor guy was already head over heels and who could really blame him? 

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