Chapter Three

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That night I had the most terrifieding dream ever!

I was running through a deep dark and scary woods. The trees and branches were moving I was lost something was following me! I keep running trying to find the house I can hear laughing behind me as I keep running I know it's her, Annabelle...

It's the same creepy laugh that I heard down in the basement. I run faster the laughing gets closer and suddenly something is shaking me "WAKE UP" I hear "WAKE UP, YOUR HAVING A NIGHTMARE!!!!"

I open my eyes in hope to see my sister or mom but instead I see a dolls face staring back at me, I look into her still eyes as they change colour she's trying to hypnotize me!!

I scream and push her away she won't let go! Her grip on me is stronger than mine I kick her and she laughs I kick her again she let's go but only with one hand as her other hand reaches for something on the floor she picks it up and lifts it over her head I stair at it's sharp straight edge thinking <my neck is going to meet the painful axe!> and just as Annabelle swings it down really fast I shut my eyes tight and meet the darkness I'm ready to meet my fate of death "KILL ME NOW!!!" I say out loud kill me quick not slow I don't want to die a slow and painful death!!

Just then the lights turn on and I hear my mom's voice "What's going on in here?" She says "Why aren't you girls asleep yet?" I open my eyes once again Annabelle has disappeared..

I look around and see my mom and Nickola staring at me from the door "Jane, how could you!?" Mom says walking over to Kate who is on the floor crying.

Why was Kate crying? Did she fall out of bed?

"Mommy, Jane kicked me" Kate said "I did NOT!!" I shouted
"Yes you DID!!" Kate shouted back at me.
"Stop it!" Mom said "You're going to wake Mia"

Mom picked Kate up off the floor and put her back in bed.

"We will talk about this tomorrow" she said slowly closing the door.

As I rest my head against the pillow I can still see Annabelle's face I close my eyes trying to ignore her and sleep.

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