Chapter Five

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that night I thought about telling Jane about the voice I heard in the wind, but then I thought *Would she believe me? Would anyone believe me?*

I couldn't sleep all I could think about was the voice in the wind that sounded like father's voice

I found myself standing by the big window again looking out of it towards the woods I saw something moving by the well, a shape?

A tall dark shape near the well staring up at our house!

I blinked the shape was still there staring at me!
I blinked again ~please be gone!~

But no the dark shape was not gone, in fact it had moved closer to the house.

Everytime I blinked the dark shape would move closer and closer to the house.

Suddenly the shape stopped right outside the window.

It was a figure of a man.


I had to wake mom and Nikki up, I ran into their room it was dark.

I switched on the lights and jumped on the bed.

I screamed

"What are you talking about?" Mom said
"There's a man standing outside of my window!"

Mom quickly grabbed her nightgown and ran into mine and Jane's room looked out the window then she turned to me and said "There's no one out there" she started walking back to her room.

"No!" I said "He's out there!" "He was standing right there!
I said pointing to the spot where he was standing.

"Kate, stop!" She rased her hand
"I've had enough of it with Jane. I don't need it from you!!
Now go back to bed!"

She closed the door and left me in the darkness of my room.

The man outside my window was gone, but the fear was still there.

The next day everything was different all of our stuff was now in the house. Mine stuff, Jane's stuff, Mia's stuff.. mom and Nikki's stuff.

It looked like home but it didn't feel like home, it felt like a strangers home and we where just visiting.

Sitting at the breakfast table felt weird, Jane was different quite she hadn't spoken since last night when she had that bad dream about Annabelle.

Mom must have really shouted at her for scaring Mia.

I picked up my empty bowl and took it back to the kitchen as I walked past the basement the door creaked open and Jane spoke.

Annabelle** she said SHE'S DOWN THERE!!!

I looked down into the darkness and saw nothing I looked back up Jane was standing next to me whispering something I couldn't understand I dropped my bowl it smashed on the floor, mom and Nikki ran over to us mom slammed the basement door shut Jane screamed mom took her in a different room to calm her down.

Nikki cleaned up the broken bowl.

I went watching T.V in the living room that felt like a strangers living room.

I was watching an old movie when suddenly the T.V went off and the lights started flicking on and off.
Then everything went dark..


I heard mom shout where are the candles?

Then I heard the voice again, the voice that sounded alot like my father's..

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