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I climb in bed close my eyes and try to sleep but then I hear her, Annabella!

I lay there unable to move as I hear Annabell's evil laugh eco though the house my blood runs cold as I think about that doll moving around in dead of night carrying an axe in her dollish hands saying she will kill you. I listened I heared footsteps coming up the stairs and something being dragged the axe? She was coming closer and closer to mine and Kate's room the door was open the hall light was on as Kate was afried of the dark so mother leaves the lights on everynight,  I could hear her coming laughing a laugh that sent shivers down my shine I wasn't going to let that thing whatever it was hurt my little sister I had to protect her no matter what, I made myself get up my body felt stiff I used all my streath to push the door shut the light faded as it closed something on the otherside bangged so loud it made me scream and wake-up Kate from her deep sleep, "Jane, what's wrong?" Kate asked "Annabelle, she's here!" I said with fear in my voice Kate looked at me with worry in her eyes I tried to be brave as I was the big sister "Jane, Jane......" Kate said pointing to the doorknob I turned my head to the door and saw the knob was moving BANG, BANG, BANG!!!!! Annabelle was trying to get in.

I had to think fast I looked around the room there was a box of toys & teddy's but they wasn't heavy enough to hold the door shut just then I heared a clicking sound the door was opening there was no time I saw the look of panic in Kate's eyes as she heared Annabelle's luagh she hid behind her box of toys & teddy's I pushed myself against the door slamming it shut it rattled and banged I could hear Annabelle screaming on the otherside then she started knicking at the door I could feel it shaking as she knicked it how strong is this Annabelle thing?

I looked around the room two beds, some toys & teddy's my make-up sets reading books a chest of drawers... That's it! The chest of drawers will hold the door shut keeping that evil thing out but I couldn't move it as I was holding the door shut and if I moved Annabelle would get in and kill us, I looked over at the box that Kate was hiding behind "Kate, you gotta help me!" I screamed at her "I can't" she sobbed Annabelle was clawing at the door I pushed my back hard against the door to keep it shut I heared Annabell screaming and pounding at the door "Kate, please!" I beged her she slowly came out of hiding with tears streaming down her face I looked at her she was terrified all I wanted to do was hold her close and tell her it's Ok..

THUD, THUD, THUD!!! Annabelle was now thorwing something at the door, the axe?

I pushed all my strength hard against the door, Annabelle was chopping at the door with the axe! I looked at Kate she was standing in front of me holding her pink teddy-bear shaking "pull yourself together!" I yelled at her "I need you to push the chest of drawers in front of the door" I said to her Kate looked at me strangely then she looked at the drawers "But how?" Kate said "just try" I told her Kate walked over to the drawers put one hand on it she was still holding her little pink bear, "put the bear down and use both hands!" I yelled Kate put the bear on the floor and pushed the drawers towards the door inch-by-inch by the time she finshed she was out of breath.

"Good job lil sis" I said hugging her she picked her pink bear up again went over to the big window, I pushed my bed towards the drawers blocking the door with my mattress then went over to the window, Kate climbed in her bed put her head on the pillow I climbed in next to her told her to go to sleep I stayed awake watching over her that night.

I could still hear Annabelle on the otherside of the door doing everything it could to get in the room I looked over at the window that would be our only escape if she did found a way in and we had to take it, we had to. Kate was asleep now I had to protect her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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