Kate in the basement

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I got up and looked around the pich black room where was that voice coming from?
I went to find Jane I wanted to tell her I could hear daddy's voice in the house, but then I heared another voice this one sounded evil dark and unfriendly "Come to the basement" it said then I heared bangging noisese I felt like there was something in the room with me... watching me!
"Come & play" it said.

I hared something begging dragged across the floor coming towards me I felt very cold I started shaking, a door slammed someone laughing running around and then the lights came on I found myself in the basement...

I looked around the dull basement I could hear a dripping slashing sound coming from afar, I followed it as I rounded the corner it stopped.

I had a strange feeling come over me I didn't like the basement I ran back around the corner and up the stairs the door was locked, I pulled on the doornob it didn't budge "HELP!" I shouted for my big sister "Jane, help me I'm locked in the basement!"

Then out of nowhere a red ball rolled and banced off the stairs. I slowly walked down the stairs towards the ball, it moved by itself I heared someone laughing I backed up the stairs towards the door I tried the nob again it was still locked I heared footsteps coming towards the stairs, the lights started to flicker laughing getting loauder something dragging across the ice-cold stone floor then I saw a shadow of an axe I closed my eyes and started to pray.

I prayed my daddy would help me I prayed that he would open the door and then the door unlocked and creeked open I was so happy my daddy was still looking out for me, even thou he was dead.

I got up and started walking out of the basement but then something grabbed my leg.

I turned around and came face-to-face with an evil looking doll she was holding a big sharp axe, Jane was telling the truth there is an Annabelle doll in the basement trying to kill her, maybe even trying to kill us all.

She pulled on my leg dragging me back down into the basement "Jane, HELP!!!" I called for my sister again "No-one can hear you!" The Annabelle doll said with her evil voice "You're Mine!!" She pulled and pulled on my leg dragging me back down the stairs I looked up at the door "Noo!" I screamed as the door was slowly closing and Annabelle laughed as she held the axe over me, I closed my eyes and prayed once again for my daddy to save me "Daddy, please help me!" I prayed hard squeezing my eyes shut tight, I felt hands around me pulling me back up the stairs and out of the basement I then heared the slamming of a door a kind voice saying "It's Ok Kate your safe now" "Daddy?" I said but when I opened my eyes he was gone...

He saved me from Annabelle he was still with me still with us, close to our hearts.

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