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"Morning Matt," a boy walked pass a soldier who was in a secret room with a vent as he was smoking. Matt had light brown hair wild and wavy as he had a scar over his pale cheek, he wore a black suit with black boots as he was on break of training and working with the counsel.

"Hey Keith," Matt waved to the stranger with a smile and handed the teen the cigarette. The teen had long black hair to his shoulders and dark indigo eyes that almost could pass as a metallic grey. He wore a black t shirt with black jeans and boots as well with a belt with pouches that carried tools.

"Thanks," Keith inhaled the fumes that relaxed him.

"Don't let Shiro catch you two smoking again, he's already on everyone's asses to use the best of air without nicotine infecting us," a girl who happened to be matts younger sister as she was fourteen, they looked so similar except she had long hair in a pony tail and her bangs that where grown out falling in her face with a pair of round glasses hanging out of her pocket as she had a dark green tank top and brown baggy pants with taller boots.

"Let him deal with the others," Keith waved the girl off. She had to go by the name Pidge Gunderson or she would've been caught of being matts sister due to families being small, but since their parents died the leaders accepted her being with her brother again but Pidge has now became a nick name instead of her real name.

"Matt, your going up in an hour, Shiro wanted me to tell you, he's getting the others rounded up," Pidge told her brother walking away.

"I'll see you later Keith," Matt let him have the rest but Keith made a sound of half a word trying to form a sentence.

"Wa- Matt, what is it like up there?" Keith gulped with curious wide eyes.

"Somewhere that we shouldn't invade," Matt warned but softened up smirking. "But up there? It's god damn beautiful, the sun, nature, it's beautiful, but beauty comes with a cost,"

"The rabids?" Keith asked but it wasn't much of a question when you know the answer.

"Lost five soldiers last time Keith, you don't want to go up there as long as they live," Matt put a hand on his shoulder then walked out.

Keith pursed his lips at the thought. He knew about the rabids. They where the living abominations of what humans couldn't escape the surface fifteen years around, barbaric mutants that would kill anything that wasn't them. They've attacked them everytime they go to the surface, at least seven or eight men or women always dies.

Keith dropped the cigarette and crushed the remains under his boot and walked out hitting a button on his way out that would get rid of the smoke.

He knew the risks but God, he wants to return to the surface, but he hasn't seen the sun, not in a very long long time...He wished he knew how it felt against his skin, the heat, how it would blind him he wished, wanting to put his hand up to cover his eyes. He hasn't seen plants, trees, grass, the ocean, a lake, an animal.

It's been years, 72 years since the world went to hell, the bomb on Hiroshima. When the world went down, it wasn't an accident, the war 75 years ago against brains and bronze, scientist created a bomb that was suppose to end the World War II in Japan but instead it destroyed the world. But there where survivors, they've been living underground in our base camp they call "underworld", it's total hell down here.

Recently some of them go back to the surface 20ft above, some don't come back, the ones that do come back, they talk about people, people like us but far from a civil mind. Those would be the rabids.

They survived the bomb somehow but their lives came with a cost, the toxins, the poisoned air, they somehow survive it, live in it like it was normal oxygen.

People have called Keith crazy cause he still train himself to go up even if he is to small, he doesn't fit their expectations.

He didn't care, he's done the impossible, he'll do it again. He's made it through the medical field and mechanics.

So he got down on the ground and started doing his normal push ups when he got to the training deck.

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