Chapter 9

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The alarm goes off at half six. The sky is sunny and the air is warm. A perfect contrast to Adrien's mood.

He rolls out of bed and trudges over to the bathroom, to begin his shower. He drags himself through his routine. Wake up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and go to school.

Adrien didn't get much sleep last night. He had returned from patrol at half eleven last night. He had been so angry with Ladybug. Nothing that Plagg said could calm him down. He never would have thought that she would defend Spider-Man.

Eventually, after a lot of ranting, he got changed into his pyjamas and went to bed. But then he remembered what he had said. He had called her stupid for doing what she believed was right!

"What she thought was right was wrong, obviously. And she insulted me, too!" Adrien is still whispering to Plagg in the back of the limo.

"I just asked for some camembert, Adrien. We can talk about your love life later." whines Plagg.

The limo comes to a stop outside of the school. Adrien makes sure that Plagg is in his bag before stepping out and plastering a model smile on his face. He closes the door and walks up to the building.

It is going to be a long day.


The bell rings and all the students take their seats.

"Hey, Marinette." Nino says, turning around in his seat, "Your early today. Congrats!"

Marinette looks up from her desk to see Nino. She forces herself to laugh and says, "Thanks, Nino. Hey, have you seen Alya? It's not like her to be late."

"No, I think she's sick. Sorry, dudette." Nino replies, before turning to face the front desk.

And Marinette's mood just got worse. First, she gets into a fight with Chat Noir, where he called her stupid and she said she didn't know why anyone would want to be friends with him. Then, she stayed up almost all night thinking about it. And now her best friend is sick, so she won't be in school to cheer her up.

Granted, Marinette wouldn't be able to tell her the whole truth about what's wrong, but some things she just needs her BFF for. And she has talked with Tikki, but it didn't help. All she wants to do is go home, but sadly, 'After making sure that Paris is safe, I spoke with Spider-Man before I got into a massive fight with Chat Noir and now I don't know what to do!' Doesn't seem like a valid excuse.

Miss Bustier walks in with a tall boy with dark hair following behind her.

"Good morning, class!" Miss Bustier says, cheerfully.

"Good morning, Miss." the class chorus'.

"Today we have a new student. Peter Parker. Tell us something about you, Peter." she encourages.

"Umm, well, I'm Peter. I'm from Queens and I love science." Peter introduces himself.

"Do all Americans have such terrible taste in fashion?" Chloe remarks, nastily.

"Leave him alone, Chloe." Adrien snaps before Marinette can even get a word out.

Adrien's harsh tone leaves the class speechless. A minute of slightly awkward silence follows.

"How about you go and sit beside Marinette, today. Alya seems to be sick. Marinette is the class president, so she will show you around later." Miss Bustier announces.

She goes behind her desk and begins the role call. Peter goes and sits beside Marinette.

"Hey, again." he whispers.

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