Chapter 10

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The superhero duo both arrive on the roof, swinging in from opposite directions. Both holding the intention of speaking to the other.

"We need to talk." Chat states, more confidently than he had anticipated, as they cross each other on the rooftop.

"After we patrol?" Ladybug offers.

Chat nods and they continue on once again to opposite sides of the roof to then swing off.

   The night is quiet, leaving them both to their thoughts. Marinette had been ready to speak to Chat - and had been thankful that Peter had helped her - but once she had transformed all that she had felt the night before came back. She had been so angry at Chat for not even giving Spider-Man a chance and being so prejudice. Of course when a new superhero appears with no history known to you then you should be wary, but there had been no evidence to show that he was bad. She had been so frustrated and upset that he hadn't just spoken to her and had instead pushed what she said aside to shout at and insult her.
   She hadn't been sure if she wanted to speak to him - let alone face him - after what had happened. But of course she did, the rational part of her  brain taking over. Peter was right. She needs to talk to him so that they can work together and remain friends.

   Before either of them know it they are back on the rooftop. Anxiety crawling around them as they find what to say. Chat Noir is the first to speak.

"I'm sorry that I insulted you, Ladybug. I didn't mean to call you stupid."

Ladybug looks at him before replying, "I can forgive you for that. I shouldn't have said that I didn't know why someone would want to be friends with you."

"I did mean to speak to you about Spider-Man before - when we were on our own." he continues, " I just got so angry. I can't explain it really, he just gives me a really bad feeling. Like he could turn on us at any minute."

Ladybug sighs before she says, "I know, there is something off about him, but without actual proof we can't do anything! Chances are that we're just being paranoid." she pauses and then says, "I think that you owe Spider-Man an apology."

"What! What for?" Chat exclaims.

"For being so rude yesterday. He was only trying to be nice!" answers Ladybug.

"But you just said that you think something's off about him!" Chat argues.

"And I said that we're both just being paranoid! It still doesn't give you an excuse to be mean." Ladybug counters.

"I will not apologise to him. He'll turn on us." Chat counters.

"Then we'll just have to agree to disagree." Ladybug sighs, he obviously  isn't going to apologise, "Look, we can't let this get between us. If we keep arguing about Spider-Man then Hawkmoth will have the advantage.  Paris is more important. Do you agree?"

Chat Noir contemplates this for a moment before accepting, "I agree."

   "Just because we have different opinions on him doesn't mean we can't be friends." there is a brief silence before Ladybug continues, "You should give Spider-Man another chance."

"What?!" Chat exclaims, alarmed as he jumps slightly, "You mean let him become our partner?"

"No, Chat." Ladybug clarifies, "He only wants to be out friend, not our partner. You don't have to apologise to him, but you must try to be nice. For me? Please?" she finishes, apprehensively, not sure of his discision.

    A range of emotions pass over Chat's face before he finally shakes his head and gives a long, dramatic sigh.

"Alright." he gives in. As soon as a smile plasters Ladybug's lips and her eyes begin to fill with excitement Chat continues, "But I'm only doing this for you - I'm not going to apologise - and he better not do anything I don't like."

   They stand in the silence of their agreement before Chat looks away and says, "You should go and find him. I'm sure he'd want to know."

   And with that both heroes cross back the way they came.

- In the SHIELD Helicarrier

    The footage showing Ladybug and Chat Noir has just finished. They hadn't been sure if the duo were going to make up or not this soon. But things have worked out for the best. Spider-Man's second chance has come sooner than they had expected - and they are going to make the most of it.
     So now they are having one of their marvellous meetings. How to proceed. That's what they're deciding on.

  "A second chance at being their friend? And so soon? That's lucky." comments Natasha.

"And we're gonna take it!" begins Tony, "She's looking for you right now. She'll be at the Louvre in less than five minutes. You should meet her there."

"But what am I meant to do? What am I meant to say?" questions Spider-Man.

"This is what you'll do..." and with that Tony divulges his plan.

- At The Louvre

Ladybug swings to the ground. So far she has had no luck searching for Spider-Man.

   "I heard you've been looking for me!" he calls.

She turns to see him on top of the Louvre, from which he swings and lands in front of her.

"And where'd you hear that?" she asks.

"From a little bug." he jokingly answers. After a short pause he continues, curiously asking, "So... why were you looking for me?"

Ladybug inhales and says, "I was speaking with Chat Noir. He says he doesn't feel sorry about last night." as she says this Spider-Man begins to slump in disappointment, she rushes to continue, "But I have convinced him to give you another chance. You can be our friend, if you still want to be?"

   Seeing the hopeful expression on her face Spider-Man turns, having seemed surprised and disappointed.

  "What's wrong?" Ladybug asks, concern lacing her voice.

He turns back to her and sadly asks, "It's just... Does he really think that low of me? Does he really hate me?"

    Overcome with empathy, Ladybug wraps her arms around him and pulls him in for a hug. Frozen by surprise, Spider-Man hesitantly hugs her back. 'This isn't part of the plan!' After a brief moment they both pull back, both choosing to ignore the previous moment.

   Ladybug chooses to continue to comfort him  and reassuringly says, "He doesn't hate you. You've been given a chance to give him a better - a proper - opinion of you. Chat is just protective. He's over reacting! I suggest you take this chance. We'll be patrolling tomorrow. Maybe you could come and meet us afterwards?"

   Spider-Man looks as if to consider this before saying, "You know, I might just take you up on that."

     They both smile, albeit Spider-Man's is hidden by his mask.

   "I have to go!" Ladybug realises, "I'll see you later."

"See you around." he says.

  As she's about to swing away he calls out, "Oh, and, Ladybug."

"Yes?" she asks.

"Thank you." he says, sincerely.

"No problem."

  And with that she swings away into the night. Thus, leaving Spider-Man to return to SHIELD headquarters, with newfound warmth inside.

1212 words

Hello! Sorry it the chapter took so long. I have been busy with exams and other stuff. I hope you enjoyed it! I will try to get Chapter 11 out soon.

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