Chapter 22; Pre-Mature ( Part 2 )

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Might As Well Finish It ... Do What You Want.

Trinity POV

"Baby , push !" Fernando yelled . Alyssa only had 30 minutes left until they were going to make her have an emergency C-Section. Fernando has been by her side since he & August arrived . I have to admit , seeing him gave me butterflies & I couldn't approach him just yet .

"I feel it !" She yelled .

"I cannot be in here. " August said & got out of his seat & walked out of the room. As if my legs had a mind of their own , I got up & immediately followed him out of the room .

"Where are you going ." I asked him . He turned around & looked at me , then came back in my direction .

"To sit in the front . This is taking for ever, man"

"Yeah , I know , but you gotta be in there for her ."

"There's nothing I can do , but pray . I just can't be in that room ."

"Well, I can't make you do what you don't want to."

"Nobody can." He said smiling .

"You always find a way to smile."

"You got to.. Can't always look at things on the bad side , ya know ? If that's the deal I will forever be paranoid ." We started walking back into the front of the hospital , & sat in the waiting area .

"Yea." An award silence fell in between us, & I didn't know if right now would be the right time to say it . Not while in a hospital & Alyssa is facing having to get cut open . It felt good being in his presence after all this time . It feels like I'm back in high school with him. When I acted as if he wasn't all that to me , but he was . He's funny , sweet , & puts family first . He's everything I want . He's an ass hole , but Its cute on him . He keeps it real & doesn't care how you feel . The truth does hurt , but he knows it has to be known . He's no fake .. He August , & that's just like I want him.

"You got something on your mind , shawty." He spoke .

"Actually , I do . August -"

"Y'all she got her out ! C'mon !" Fernando said running from the back . Me & August got up & followed.

"Hold on please . We are moving Ms. Alsina to a more comfortable environment." A nurse said , while others pulled out a tired looking Alyssa out of the room.

"I diiiiiiid it." She said throwing up her fist. I couldn't help, but laugh . Even after pushing for nine hours , she comes out with a smile. I caught the look of joy August had on his face as we followed her to her room.

"Oh my god , Im so glad that is over . Trina's little ass was not moving fast enough." She said with a chuckle . Fernando laughed with her.

"I saw her face. She is so beautiful . Looks just like Fernando . She came out cryyyyiiing , I'll be sure to apologize to my baby when she gets here . I just hope shes okay . She is so little , but she has a full head of hair , its so curly & pretty . Ugh ! They need to hurry up !" Alyssa was babbling . The excitement in the room was never ending . Alyssa has never been so happy , ever . She's going to be a good mother to that baby , & will do anything for her . One thing I love most about Alyssa is that when she has to wait for something she makes it worth the while . She's going to face all the trials & tribulations of being a mother , I'm going to be there every step of the way. I know she'd be there for me.


"Well, Miss Alsina . Your daughter is doing great . She wasn't breathing at one point , but she is okay. She's approximately 6LBS & 2 OZ , brown eyes , brown hair . She was born with an extra finger that will die off in a month or so , make sure she wears gloves to keep from pulling on it. She's really sensitive , so be fairly gentle with her . Breastfeeding is the best option for her . She could use the nutrition . She's going to sleep allot lately , so make sure she's in a quiet , environment . Last thing make sure she's motorized with baby oil & lotion after every bath . Keep her wrapped in a warm blanket , & close to your chest . It's good when a baby hears their mothers heartbeat . They know it's you every time you hold them. Any questions?" Spoke the doctor.

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