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Even through Emma declared "No friendship", she always stuck close to me. But sometimes, she was a nightmare. Like when she remembered I ignored her all the time. She turns into a nightmare and pushes me, sighs, criticises me, embarrasses me in front of people... But Jennifer didn't care. When I tell her to stop being with Emma.. 

she literally doesn't care and says, "Um... my mom is friends with Emma's mom. Sooo... " 

Duh. Jennifer was sometimes a coward.

I didn't think this friendship thing wasn't much of a problem. Something about Emma made me feel like that. She wasn't really that bad. Maybe she was just annoyed. I would never think about Emma having a mean, black heart. Well, that was my opinion few days ago. Now, it has changed slightly after she said my piece of artwork was trash and needed to be used as a toilet paper. How can anybody be so MEAN? I have never had anyone mean to me before.

I had no experiences with bully. None. And this was the first time. Which made me... cry. The rising waterline. Emma's smirking face.. I could say nothing but this, since I never had any of this experience. 

"What?" I blurted out. 

Ugh, I wanted to wipe out her stupid smirking face! How could she do this to me? 

"Well, you see, look at MY artwork, Kelly. This is what it must look like to be an artwork," Emma said, holding up her scribbled paper.

"Um. That's just scribbles. That's called doodling," I managed to choke out.

Emma laughed at sashayed away. 

How I got to Defeat a BullyWhere stories live. Discover now