Sabrina and talia

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Talias view

I was sitting in my room and I hear the door open. I grab a bat thinking it was someone breaking in the house. Harry didn't wake up because he is a hard sleeper. I grab the bat and start walking downstairs, I hear foot steps stepping towards me. I freak out and swing the bat.

"Ahhh fuck Talia why would you do that!?!?"

"OMG Sabrina I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone breaking in."

Sabrina's view

I start walking towards Talias room and I can hear her walking down the stairs and I try and walk closer but then WHACK!!!!! She hits me in the head. Talia turned on the light and my head was bleeding like a lot.

"Sabrina I'm going to go get my keys we are going to the hospital."

"No no I'm fine"

1 hour later

I wake up in the hospital and I see a girl standing my bed and crying. I asked her why she was crying.


"Who is Sabrina?"

I was confused I didn't know who anyone was including myself.

The crying girl says to me that I'm Sabrina and she accidently hit me in the head and I have a really bad concusion and don't Rememeber a lot of things.

"Sabrina I do have good news though."


"Liam hasn't woken up yet but his heart rates are getting better and they won't pull him off life support. "

"Who is Liam?"

Talias view

My throut dropped to my stomach, I can't believe she doesn't remember Liam I explain to her everything how she is married to him and he has cancer and is in a coma.

Sabrina's view

That Talia girl gave me a ride home and she was a nut job telling me I'm married. I'm pregnant but it's Caleb's baby not some random Liam dude in fact last thing I remember before being in the hospital is kissing Caleb at the bowling alley.

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