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The stalking continued.
AndSasuke thought he would have a stroke if he caught Hinata following Naruto one more time.

He always felt her eyes on them, even if they were finally alone.He could never give his full attention to Naruto because he was always looking over his shoulder. It was starting to get to Naru aswell.He didn't like to admit it but Sasuke could see it weighing on him.

It was cold the morning he was standing out side of the school waiting for her.
Naruto had proudly stolen his wool Lined black hoodie
.So he was reduced to his favorite leather jacket.
He had a sneaking suspension that was one of Naruto's reasons for stealing it, Naru had an artists eyes .He adored Sasuke in the leather jacket because of the way it suited his frame and brought the paler of his skin to life.

When Hinata finally came up the steps Sasuke stepped in front of her.

She immediately cast her eyes away from his.

"We need to talk"

She squeaked under the pressure of his voice and nodded her head.
Her black hair was being whipped around by the bitting winter wind it hid most of her small child's face which remained dedicated to her silver flats.
Sasuke stuffed his hands into the warm pockets of his Jacket and lead her around the corner of the building.

"You've been following Naru, I see you when we're together, everywhere"

She still remained silent as she flushed .

" there's a lot to like, but Hinata he's MINE, it wasn't a coincidence you stopped us the other night at his house, you were watching us weren't you?"

He already knew the answer of course, he wasn't an idiot
. He simply had to hear her admit it aloud .
Maybe it would make her realize how far she had taken this.


He knew it!

He pushed his Raven hair away from his face and took a deep breath.

"He's my Boyfriend Hinata, we're getting serious and neither of us what to ruin that, especially not from the stress of you"

She scrubbed at her wind burned cheeks and whimpered.

" But I lov_"

Sasuke didn't let her finish. His raged had over come him.
She did not love Naruto, she was Obsessed with him.

"That's not love! , obsession is not love, I love him, I've been with him for years I know him better then I know myself, I am in love with him"

Helplessly he realized. He had always thought if he were ever in a relationship it would be the other person madly in love with him.It wasn't.
He'd never love anyone like he loved Naruto now and it was a shock to realize that.
He suddenly wanted nothing more then the blonde in his arms.

" If this doesn't stop today you'll have a restraining order tomorrow"

He made his voice very loud, and very clear.
This was not a bluff.
She would keep away from Naruto.
He left here standing there.
He didn't care what she did or how she felt.
He had more oppressing matters to a tend to.

When Naruto was finished with art class Sasuke grabbed his hand as soon as he stepped off the threshold.
He pulled him into his arms and slammed his mouth against Naruto's. In front of the whole disbanding school. He didn't care anymore. It's not like screaming he and Naruto were a couple would have gotten as much attention as this would have.He couldn't feel the eyes that were burning holes into him.
All he could feel was Naruto.
He let the smaller boy go and he had to catch him, he stumbled and almost fell.He opened his mouth to speak but Sasuke pulled him along without acknowledging what he had just done

."Sasuke? , where are we going?"

His voice was shaking with surprise.
He cursed himself silently. Sasuke drug him down the steps of the school and towards the opposite road of Naruto's.

"My house"

He was afraid to ask so he didn't speak the entire way there.

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