BlueDiamondKat (2)

21 1 4

Another one from BlueDiamondKat. Whoop Whoop!

Name: Imaginary (Possibly Brokendream later)

Probably a kittypet that joined the clans. See update below!

Age: 36 moons currently, age of death undecided

Okay, so probably a newer less developed character

Appearance: Long and fluffy ash grey fur with darker patches all over her body. Her eyes are a misty blue and her limbs and tail are rather long. She has a thin scar on her flank.

Nice, some thought has been put into this description.

Gender: She-cat 


Personality: Imaginary is extremely protective. Saying she's just over protective would be an understatement. She is obsesses with believing that she must help everyone and is often the first to try and sort out problems. She has knack for strategy and focus, but lacks the idea that some plans aren't worth trying. She is quite stubborn and neglected from most of her Clanmates because of her lack of believe for StarClan. She is also very understanding and supportive, but tries to get into every cat's business like it's her own.

I like the psychological aspect you add to your characters, understanding and supportive, might go against the fact that she is obsessive and probably a perfectionist.

Strengths: She is amazing when it comes to climbing trees and tree-leaping.


Weaknesses: She never knows when to stop, so she pushes her self too far sometimes. 


Flaws: Overly paranoid, tries to change very thing to her liking, and too trusting.


Clan: CreekClan

I don't think I've heard of this one yet

Rank: Deputy

She seems a little young to be deputy...

Backstory: Imaginary hasn't treated like a daughter when she was younger. Instead, she was seed as an imaginary friend of sorts. Her mother was very ill, and believed that her own daughter was actually and spirit of some dead family member who had come to help her. Imaginary would do anything for her mother, and with great gratitude. She would sing songs for her, tell her stories, fetch her water, and hunt. She was able to hunt at only three moons old! But a moon later, her mother passed. She was left alone, cold, and miserable. She found the Clans after seasons of searching, settling down in an old badger burrow around BrightClan territory. She then met a cat named Tigerwind and fell in love with the fellow she-cat. She joined a Clan to try and be with her, but accidently joined a rival Clan instead. Too scared to admit her mistakes, she began meeting Tigerwind at gatherings. But they got into a fight, that was when Imaginary confessed her feelings. When Tigerwind did not return them, she returned back to camp a mess. Now she is deputy under Whitestar, and she prays that her life will only get better. But before then... She must defeat the insane Witherstar to protect the Clans from her treachery.

This is actually really cool for a backstory and I like the cliff hanger

Death: Undecided

Alright, I suppose its okay. Maybe she can die of unknown causes because its undecided ;)

Other: She doesn't believe in StarClan but wants to

This might be a problem if she becomes leader after Whitestar, how would she receive her 9 lives?

Overall, there are a few holes that will be fixed after she gets a little bit of development that comes naturally, other than that she's really good

Imaginary is actually a rogue that joined the clans. Thanks for the clarity 000meow000

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