Just a Lonely Boy

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Not everyone knows what it's like to be lonely, depressed, or even that upset that you just want it all to end. Ever get that feeling? Hardly anyone does. But if you wanted a good definition of depressed, then meet someone who experiences this everyday of his life.

His name is Finn Wolfhard.

Finn's name is known throughout the whole school, but not in a good way. He's someone who experiences depression and loneliness all the time. When he first started school, he thought it would be a good time to get away from his sadness, but it wasn't. School just made things worse. He was constantly getting picked on due to how he wouldn't talk to anyone, sat alone at lunch, kept his sweatshirt hood over his face, and how weird he acted. 

But that wasn't his fault. Not only does he get depressed, but he also has social anxiety. He was scared to talk to others, but he was also scared not to talk to others. No one even knew he could talk. Finn just wanted to be happy, but apparently it wasn't possible for him. Nothing good ever happened for him.

At least until a girl moves in.


It was a Monday morning, first period social studies. Finn was sitting in the back of the class, far away from everyone, like he normally did. Some of the students were snickering and pointing at him. Finn saw the staring and looked away from them and tried to hide his face. But that just got more laughter from the kids. 

The teacher called for everyone's attention so she could take attendance. When she got to Finn's name, the boy just awkwardly raised his hand instead of saying "Here" like everyone else. Some of the students laughed again, but the teacher didn't seem to notice the laughing and just marked Finn's attendance. She and the other teachers were used to him being quiet. Just as she was about to start the lesson, the door opened and everyone turned their heads to who was at the door.

The principal was there along with a girl. No one had seen that girl before and wondered who she was. She had dark brown, shoulder length hair with brown eyes. She was wearing a pink shirt with knee length jeans and white converse and had sunglasses on the top of her head. She seemed like the popular kind of girl to the other kids, but in her mind, she wasn't. She was a nerdy girl who got excited about everything fun and cool. Definitely the opposite of Finn.

"Sorry to interrupt. I was just showing our new student her first period class," the principal said.

"Oh that's okay! Welcome to Vancouver, miss..." the teacher said, waiting for the girl to say her name.

The girl waved and turned to the class. "I'm Millie. Millie Bobby Brown. I just moved here from London," she introduced herself, her accent making it quite clear that she was from somewhere foreign. The class said hi to her as the teacher showed Millie to her seat, which happened to be right next to Finn.

Millie looked over at Finn, who was looking down at his desk. "Hello there. What's your name?" She asked. Finn looked at her for a couple of seconds before looking at his desk again. She was confused at his behavior as she looked over to the teacher again to hear the class beginning.

Finn would have said hello to her, but he was just too nervous and scared. His anxiety was taking over him and he didn't want her to make fun of him like everyone else did. He took another quick glance at Millie, who was focused on the class. But then she looked over at him again and he quickly looked away, putting his sweatshirt hood up more, covering his face up.

Finn didn't notice this, but Millie gave him a small smile.


It was now lunchtime. Everyone was either on the line for lunch or sitting with their friends, talking and laughing. Finn was by himself, as usual, eating at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. He always looked around to see if anyone was staring at him, which sometimes they did. He always felt uncomfortable when they did that. He didn't like the way how he got attention. He hated the attention.

Finn looked up from his food to look over at the popular boys' table. They were the ones who made fun of him the most, especially Gaten, Noah, and Caleb. The other boys, Jaeden, Jack, Wyatt, Jeremy, and Chosen always tagged along to make fun of him. He noticed them looking at him and he quickly looked down. Unfortunately,  the eight boys got up from their seats and walked over to where Finn was sitting. He stared at the table as they came up to him with smirks on their faces.

"Aww look at Finny! Alone again, as usual!" Caleb remarked.

"Too bad he doesn't have any friends and never will! He's way too retarded for friends anyway! I mean, look at him!" Gaten said.

"Well, at least we can play with him a bit, you know? Give him some good old fun times like we normally do?" Noah said. The other boys nodded as Jaeden and Jack knocked the rest of Finn's lunch onto the floor. Finn looked up at them, scared as to what they will do next.

The boys all went up in his face, spewing insults at him all at the same time. Finn scooted his chair away from them, getting uncomfortable with them being close to him. Noah then grabbed his sweatshirt hood, removing it from his face, and used it to pull him to the ground. The boys stomped on him a couple of times before leaving. Finn laid there in pain before noticing the entire cafeteria was looking at him. He started shaking and sweating as they all looked at him. Finn quickly put his hood back over his face as he ran out of the cafeteria.

Millie was just getting off the lunch line when she saw Finn run out. She was confused and curious about the boy, so she followed him. His behavior curioused Millie as she wondered what was up with him and why he wouldn't talk to her in class. She didn't even know him and yet she was already worried about him.

The girl finally caught up to him as he stopped in his tracks, leaned against the wall, slid down it, curled up in a ball and buried his head into his knees. Millie could swear that she heard quiet sobs coming from him. She slowly walked up to him to not startle him. She wondered what could've happened to him to make him upset. She didn't see the boys bullying him as the lunch line was far away from where Finn's table was. Millie sat down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He jerked up quickly and looked over at her, looking scared.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," Millie reassured. "What happened?" Finn didn't answer. Instead, he looked down at the ground again. The girl decided to try again. "I'm sorry about whatever happened. You seem so innocent. I don't even know you and I already feel like you have been through a lot," she said.

Finn looked up at her and slowly took off his hood, giving Millie a good look at his face. His cheeks were covered with tear tracks and his face was red. He just stared at her, not saying a word. But Millie didn't pressure him into saying anything. "I don't know if you caught my name, but I'm Millie," she said just as the bell rang. "Oh, that's the bell. We should get to class. I'll see you later maybe?" She said before standing up and turning away.

Before she could leave, she heard him mumble something. Millie turned back around, seeing him stood up from the floor. "What was that? I didn't hear you," she said.

"Finn. My name is Finn," the boy repeated. He put his hood back over his face and walked away. It was the first time he had actually spoken to anyone in the school. He didn't know why he talked to her though or why she was comforting him. Everyone but her treated him like he was the worst thing on the planet.

Finn just sighed to himself as he opened his locker, seeing more hate notes that he got everyday. He really hated his life.


A/N: Yup, that's right! I got a new story right here! 

So this story is going to be quite sad and depressing, but it will have a happy ending for sure! I promise you guys! And the way the characters act in this is not based off of them in real life! I think the ST/IT Cast are amazing people and this is in no way to make fun of them. This is just Fanfiction. Why would I make fun of them anyway? I love them!

Also I would like to thank @kurts_grungess for designing the cover for the story and for helping me out with it! Love you girl!

I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment!

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